The Van der Linde Gang: What We're Here For

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The Van der Linde Gang & Female Reader

Summary: After taking a few days away from the camp to process your near assault, you return but somebody notices how you're acting differently. This just turned into Hosea being the best father figure, I'm sorry. XD

Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment, nothing graphic.

Word Count: 1800

Checking that the door of the hotel room you just rented was locked, you rubbed your hands over your face before collapsing onto the bed. You just lay there, fully dressed and on top of the sheets, staring at the ceiling.

You knew that you weren't going to sleep that night, not well anyway. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was him. You could still feel his bruising hands on you, how his nails dug into your skin, his voice in your ear and the threats he made.

You shook your head and screwed your eyes shut to get rid of the image but then it was just replaced by the blood and the ringing in your ears. The image made you jolt up into a sitting position before you let out a shaky sigh. You welcomed the image more than the one of the man, at least that reminded you that you managed to fight him off and get away.

After a moment, you decided to have a bath, needing to get the feel of dirt and grime off of your skin. Tears pricked at your eyes once again when noticed the forming bruises on your body.

But you tried to ignore them, drying off and dressing before retiring to bed. Curling up under the covers, listening to the quiet rumble of the saloon below you.

You decided that you would rent the room for a few days, just needing some time alone. You couldn't even think about dealing with the rest of the gang right now, even though you knew they never meant any harm.

It wasn't completely uncommon for you, or other members of the gang, to be out of the camp for a few days. So you weren't all that worried about somebody being sent out to look for you, not for a little while at least anyway. You just needed some time to yourself.


A few days passed and you finally decided to return to the camp. You had given yourself some time to just be alone but it was time to head home and you were happy too, you were starting to miss the place.

Kieran had greeted you with a smile, asking if you had a nice trip, as you dismounted your horse. You just nodded and gave him a small smile as you hitched your horse, letting him tend to her.

The majority of the camp had spotted you returning and, of course, Sean had come over to greet you properly. A long with a few other members of the gang.

Sean threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. "It's good to have ya back, lass. I was startin' to miss ya face" he grinned, not noticing how your body tensed when he pulled you close.

"Thanks, Sean" you smiled slightly, casually pulling away from him. He didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong.

"It is good to have you back" Dutch reaffirmed as he clasped his hand over your shoulder. "But where were you?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, just looking for leads" you told him, subtly shrinking away from his touch.

"Did you find anything?" Dutch asked, dropping his hand from your shoulder.

"Uh, sure. I think I found something. I'll look into some more" you lied with a small nod but he appeared to believe you. He nodded and gave you a smile before heading back towards his tent.

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