Arthur Morgan: We're Done Here

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Dutch crosses a line and Arthur decides that he's tried of following his orders. It's time that everyone came to their senses and got out.

Word Count: 4200

Beaver Hollow had an eerie feeling, something about its previous residents lingered in the air. It wasn't a comfortable feeling and the camp never really felt like home, though that could be more about your missing friends than the location. The tension in camp was thick these days, the gang practically divided into two at this point. It was difficult to watch the people you called family bicker and argue.

But at least Dutch was still asking for your input, at least to some extent. You were talking to him about his latest plan, Arthur was meant to be discussing the plan as well but he had been out of the camp all morning.

"Dutch...I really don't think this is a good idea. It's too dangerous" you commented, shaking your head as you looked down at the large map that was spread out over the table.

"I appreciate your concern but I can assure you that it will be fine" Dutch told you, quickly brushing off your concern.

"I'm serious, this can't end well. I think we should just lay low, miss this score" you suggested.

"We need this score. Have some faith, this score is going to be big" Dutch put on a smile but there was something dishonest about it.

"How many 'one last score' have we done now? Each one turns out worse than another, take a hint Dutch" you frowned. "It's not worth it" you wanted him to understand that you weren't just arguing with him, you were concerned about him.

You had barely finished your sentence before Dutch slammed his fist down on the table to silence you, making you flinch, surprised by his sudden aggression. "That's enough, Miss L/n. I am telling you what we are doing, I did not ask you to argue the point" he snapped, telling you that this was the end of the conversation.

"Fine, whatever" you sighed, giving up, and turned to leave.

"Don't walk away from me" Dutch grabbed you by the arm, hard enough to bruise you were sure, and pulled you backwards. He slammed you back against the table, the small of your back hitting the edge of the table and making you since. "I'm not asking for your opinion on this. I'm telling you that this is what we are doing. Got it?" he asked as he grip on your arm tightened.

You were taken back by the anger in his eyes but you gaze flickered down to his free hand that was hovering over his holstered knife. He was trying to scare you, you knew that and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction but you actually felt fearful of him for the first time. Dutch had always been a fair leader, he had your respect, this wasn't like him but you couldn't deny that he had been different lately. You weren't sure whether you should take his threat seriously or not.

"Yeah...I got it, Dutch" you nodded.

You knew that he was losing his mind but this was worse than you could have imagined, he had never threatened you never mind put his hands on you. The worst he had done in the past was threaten one of the men when they were being aggressive, this wasn't like him. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself.

Satisfied with your answer, Dutch released your arm and you quickly stepped away from him.

"Hey Y/n, Dutch" Arthur's voice made you jump slightly in surprise as he approached from behind you. "Everything alright?" he asked with a furrowed brow, sensing the tension.

"Of course, we were just discussing the plan" Dutch nodded, his demeanour changing again.

"And everything is ready?" Arthur asked.

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