Arthur Morgan: Learning From the Past Part 2

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: The fall of the gang was difficult enough and now you had been taken by the Pinkertons. Arthur is determined to bring you back safely and start a new, honest life with you. Even if he has to tie up a few loose ends first.

S/n = son's name
D/n = daughter's name

Word Count: 4400

Arthur rode with all that remained of the gang, at least those who could use a gun, but his mind wasn't focused on any conversation the other men shared. His mind was solely focused on you, hoping that you were alright back at the camp. He hated leaving you, especially since you became pregnant and the gang was in more danger than ever. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you or your child, he had messed up a lot in the past and he refused to do it again.

"Arthur! Dutch!" Tilly called as she rode into sight. The gang gradually came to a stop, waiting to hear what she looked so panicked about. "They came and took Y/n. We hid but they took Y/n" she told them and Arthur's heart instantly sunk. You had been taken? By who? Were you alright? What about the baby?

"Who did?" Arthur asked, managing to gather his thoughts well enough to get the information he needed.

"Agent Milton and his men...took her to Van be put on a boat and tried for murder" Tilly told him. Arthur could see the guilt in her eyes as if she should have done something, but he didn't blame her, this was not her fault. She rode out here to tell them and Arthur was thankful for that.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Dutch drifted off, clearly not knowing what to say for the first time in a while.

"We gotta let her go. She's just bait and we got a bunch of money, Dutch. She's just a girl...they won't do nothing to her. But me and the boys know...we need to keep riding on this one. You know it, every man here knows it-" Micah attempted to convince Dutch, to get in his head again like he so often did these days.

"She's pregnant" Arthur snapped, finally interrupting Micah.

"Exactly. They ain't gonna kill the kid" Micah pointed out but clearly didn't care about the baby's well-being.

"So we just leave her and my kid?" Arthur asked, looking to Dutch for some sort of decision that made sense. He doubted he would get it.

"It-it ain't like that!" Dutch was panicking, Arthur could see it and that didn't bode well at all.

"What is it like?" Arthur asked sternly.

"I wanna live, cowpoke" Micah rolled his eyes. "Dutch, it's just a girl" he turned his attention back to Dutch, getting in his head again.

"You're right" Dutch nodded, earning a few strange looks from other members of the gang.

"Dutch! She ain't just a girl and, I'll say it again, she's pregnant!" Arthur reminded him. He couldn't actually be serious.

"So? The kid will probably be better off with whoever they give it to than you" Micah taunted, making Arthur's jaw tense.

"Micah" Dutch warned. Oh, so that crossed the line? "It pains me to say it, Arthur...but he is right" he sighed, turning back to Arthur.

"Dutch!" Arthur couldn't believe what he was hearing. Even with Dutch's slow decline into insanity, this was a whole new level.

"Come on boys" Dutch called back to the other members of the gang before they all rode off.

"All them goddamn years..." Arthur muttered as the horses disappeared from sight. All them years, twenty years of trust and friend, of practically being raised by the man, this was how it ended. So be it.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon