chapter 7

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~~~~Olivias POV~~~~~~~

I heard luke but ignored it.I wasnt really asleep.He loves me?but he barely knows me i guess.I wake up and go to the bathroom.i locked the door and just sat on the floor.I made sure my hands were on my face.Im crying again.My depressions coming back.I used to have depression.I used to smoke,purge,cut,and take a lot of pills.Those were horrible days i used to have.I was the girl in  the front of the class who had the biggest smile.I was the person who was beautiful and smart.but little did they know i would go home with my parents fighting because my dads a drunk and my mom abuses me.I used to live with my dad who would try to rape me thats why i went to smoking and cutting.I would go home everyday to my dad on the couch drunk with a new girl and i would run up the stairs and grab two to three blades and slice them across my skin a lot.I have scars on my wrists,legs,and stomach still.I wanna do it again so bad.But i attempted suicicde so much i was at the hospital almost every month.

I come back in reality and grab two blades from lukes bag.I sliced them up and down my wrists and thighs thirty times before i got a wet paper towel and stopped the bleeding.I longed for the pain.I dont deserve luke.I Go to my bag and grab my depression pills i take three before i grab a sweatshirt and sweatpants before leaving the hotel for a little bit.

I make it halfway to the supermarket before my phone went off. I look at the text and i realize luke saw the blades.Because he had sent a picture of the two of them bloody and asked why.I walk back there and he has so much worry in his eyes.

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