Chapter 100: The Old Guard

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It was nearly time for us to finally go back home. Back home to Kuoh. Other times I would happy to be going back home, but this isn't one of those times. Natsu's death has impacted everyone who's met him. Impacted those who loved him, impacted me. I once told myself that I wouldn't love anyone ever again. After getting pregnant with my daughter and the tragedy that followed I swore to never open my heart to anyone. But of course that changed when I met Natsu. At first my mission was to kill him, the dragon gods wished it so I complied with them. Seeing him come back to life from that hellish nightmare I put him in left me speechless. Seeing how forgiving he was surprised me. Witnessing how kind he was made me love again. Watching him fight, the power he holds and the tenacity he fights with made me feel safe. Even if he didn't know it, others noticed. They noticed someone who demanded respect, he was someone that as soon as he walked inside a building his presences was felt. Rather that be good or bad, everyone knew when Natsu was around. To us who got to know him and spend time with him knew he was more then a dragon, more then a demon, more then just a king. He was Natsu. Sounds a bit boring but to the outside world he was just that a normal person. To those who threaten his clan, threaten his loved ones he showed no mercy. As any king should, defend his people, defend his loved ones. Because of that cruelty those who oppose him wanted him dead. Prime example where the dragon gods. In this case Selene. Now that her only threat has been dealt with who knows what she has planned. Word will get out quickly that Natsu is dead, and those who've been in hiding because of Natsu will soon start to move. It's been years since I've felt like this, with an empty heart. Hopefully Mira's old friend agrees to help us and we can bring Natsu back.

Wendy: Irene-San?

Irene: what is it Wendy?

Wendy: I heard what you and the others are going to do. I want to come as well.

I look at the young dragon surprised on how she knew.

Irene: how did you find out what we were going to do?

Wendy: I know my brother. I know he didn't survive for over 400 years for nothing. I also know the love you and the others have for him. Even if it's just a hunch I will like to come with you guys.

Irene: okay, but Wendy you have to know something before we go. It's not certain that we can bring him back. Hell, I don't even know if this person will help us. Having said that we're going back to Kuoh first to let Grayfia and the others know.

Wendy: why would we?

Irene: She's Natsu's queen. I'm sure she's already felt like something was off. If we don't tell them they'll hear it from someone else, it's better if we tell them ourselves.

Mira: Everything's ready Irene.

Irene: Wendy will be joining us.

Brandish: I thought we agreed that no one other than us will be allowed to come.

Irene: I know...

Wendy: Please Brandish, allow me to join you. If there's even a slight chance we can bring my brother back I want to be there.

Brandish looks towards Mira who in return looks back at Wendy.

Mira: Wendy..

Wendy: I know, Irene told me already. There's a chance we won't get help from this person. I won't say a word to anyone.

Mira: can come but not a word to anyone. Let's go say goodbye.

The four of us with our bags in hand make our way to the guild to say goodbye to the guild. Once we arrive everyone is there waiting on us.

Lisanna: You'll come back right sis?

Mira: Yes. Just as soon as we settle things back home I'll come back to visit.

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