Chapter 89: Fighting Festival

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The day of the festival had finally arrived. Guilds all around Kyoto far and near came to Fairy Tail's annual festival. Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Quarto Cerberus, Mermaid Heel, and Sabertooth to name a few where among the guilds invited. Other guilds as well as some citizens who knew what the guilds did where also invited. The crowds came in excited to see how much the Fairy Tail mages have progressed.

Goldmine: well well if it isn't old man Makarov, it sure is nice to see you up on your feet again my friend.

Makarov: it's good to see you too old friend

Bob: Makarov dear I wouldn't had expected you to hold a festival after everything your guild has been through

Makarov: I didn't either. I'm glad we where able to have this festival. Everyone needs this to relax, let out some stress, enjoy our selves amongst friends, and drink until we can't drink any more!

Goldmine: Say where's the old hag? Haven't seen her in a long time?

Bob: oh sweetie she's still in the small town Kuoh. Say Makarov dear isn't the first guild master there as well?

Makarov: Yeah she is. Til this day I still don't why she decided to leave. But she has her reasons I'm not going to question her.

All three guild masters watch as Sting, Rogue, Minerva, Yukino, and others from the Sabertooth guild walk in.

Goldmine: so that's him huh? Sabertooth's new guild master?

Bob: He's young

Makarov: I agree but the council decided that he's the right fit to lead Sabertooth into the path of light.

Goldmine: that damn council. Always on our asses especially you guys.

Makarov: don't remind me..there's still a load of paper work I still have to get done..

Bob: Makarov, have you decided on who your successor will be?

Makarov: haven't given it much thought to be honest

Goldmine: would it be your grandchild, Laxus?

Bob: Guildarts maybe?

Makarov: Laxus would be a good choice but I don't see that motivation to become guildmaster, and don't remind about that Guildarts! He's always disappearing when we need him the most! I can't leave the guild in his hands, are you nuts?!

Bob: How about Erza?

Goldmine: now that's a scary woman right there!

Makarov: True. She does have everything needed to be guildmaster. Kind, motivational, great leader, the power, everything. But she seems to be enjoying her self at the moment.

The old master smiles seeing Erza walking around with her mother next to her, both women smiling having a good time. The atmosphere around the guild became heavy, and it became hard for some to breath.

Goldmine: what the hell?!

Bob: oh my...

The three guild masters watch as Sting and the others say hello to Natsu. Makarov watches as the young dragon interacts with the other guilds.

Goldmine: this presence

Bob: unbelievable...Makarov if you wanted to be alone you could have just told us.

Makarov: believe or not, it's not me.

He looks foreword as do the other two guild masters. Focusing on the young dragon they are left amazed at the magic power Natsu holds.

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