Chapter 96: Loving Flames

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I remember meeting Natsu for the first time. Bumping into him in that small town, I forget the name of it. Kuoh I think, Erza, Gray, Juvia and I where out on a job. We've gotten numerous reports of activity happening around that town. But when we arrived nothing really happened. Bumping into him for the first time, and feeling his magic and the warm aura he was letting out felt nice. I knew something was special about Natsu, I had my suspicion about his magic I knew he was a fire wielder but I wasn't sure. Soon after our first meeting we met again this time at the guild. I couldn't believe it, the same spiky haired salmon color doofus I dumped into appeared at my guild. What are the odds. Witnessing his power, the way he handled the dragon twins Rogue and Sting. Seeing his flames that day I could tell he had complete control, his flames where nothing to be afraid of. Having sparred against him made me realize that not all flames can burn you. There's some that can warm you, make you feel protective, make you smile.
But on this day for the very first time I was afraid of Natsu's flames..

Third Person Pov
Natsu having devoured all of Ignia's flames has found new power and strength from eating the flames of a god. His body completely changed, his scales where darker than before, the flames near his hands nearly went pitch black, his fangs where sharper, and his dragon eyes with one look could burn you. Everyone was amazed by Natsu's new strength, they all believed that they finally had a chance to stop Mercphobia.
With a single leap Natsu blasted himself towards the dragon god, with a single punch exploding in the dragon gods face completely takes him down. Everyone is shocked to see this unfold, even Karameel. As Natsu goes for his second attack Mercphobia gets up and smacks him with his tail sending Natsu crashing towards the ground. Again Natsu explodes from the hit and flies towards Mercphobia. He places his hands on the dragon firmly gripping him. He begins to yell as he is slowly lifts the enormous dragon off the ground, swinging him and throwing him on the ground.

Gray: Really?!

Happy: he lifted that huge dragon like nothing! Go Natsu!

Wendy: Amazing big brother! Keep going!

Erza: that is that fires power.

The dragon gods body begins to inflate making him look bigger than normal.

Gray: what the hell is that?! His body is inflating!

Wendy: It's a roar! A serious one!

Erza: That's..!

Karameel: Mercphobia sama...

Karameel says as she puts her hands together hoping the dragon god will be okay. Everyone else is left speechless as to what is about to happen, Lucy is simply looking on with a worried look on her face. Mercphobia unleashes his roar towards Natsu. He simply stands there and gets himself prepared, he places both his hands behind his back concentrating large amounts of his power in between his hands.

Natsu: Fire Dragon Kings Gleaming Flame!

He thrust his hands forward sending all of the concentrated power towards Mercphobia's attack. The huge fire ball overpowers the roar completely canceling it before it ever reaches him.

Gray: He stopped the roar?!

Natsu with an angered look on his face and smoke coming out his hands as well as his mouth doesn't move excepts he watches as the fire ball turns the roar into ashes and continues its path towards the dragon god. The attack hits Mercphobia directly in its mouth causing a huge explosion.

Erza: Did he..did he do it?!

Erza asks, the explosion from Natsu's attack stuns the dragon god as he begins to stumble.

Natsu: Not yet! Everyone join me! Together we can bring this dragon down!

Natsu begins to charge towards the dragon god as he begins to play back the talk he had with Ignia again.

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