Chapter 66: Early Summer Rain

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Natsu's Pov
Back at base we took Mira to the infirmary along with Kuroka, Yubelluna and myself. I was able to heal my self but not completely. The brief fight with Mira left me with an injured arm and a huge scar in my chest. Times like these is when I wish I had Wendy near by so she can completely heal me along with everyone else. Xenovia and Rossewiesse where also there fully healed they gave all of us a piece of there mind. Not to mention they were completely surprised at the fact that we brought Mira back to base with us.

Xenovia: another one? First it was Natsu, then the fox sneaks in and now the she devil? Who else are you going to bring in?!

Yubelluna: Xenovia calm down would you

Xenovia: You! Don't you dare say anything you and Kuroka were sneaking behind our backs and meeting with the enemy!

Kuroka: if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have the intel we have!

Rossewiesse: okay you three that's enough please don't fight..Lady Grayfia a little help

Grayfia: she's right, Yubelluna, Kuroka why didn't you tell us you were meeting with the she devil ?

Yubelluna: with all due respect my lady knowing your history with her, you wouldn't have dared listen

Grayifa: how long has this been going on?

Kuroka: For a couple months now..honestly if it wasn't for her our recent victories wouldn't have happened.

Rossewiesse: she's right my lady, even if she is the enemy she helped us.

Xenovia: so we're all siding with the enemy now?

Kuroka: shut up Xenovia! you have to learn how to trust others. How long have we known each other and you still act suspicious around me.

Xenovia: well maybe if you weren't bringing in demons to our base we wouldn't be having these issues!

Kuroka began to chuckle

Kuroka: you know ever since Irina left to live a normal life away from all this chaos you've become a real bitch you know that!

Xenovia punches Kuroka across the face which catches us all by surprise.

Grayfia: Xenovia!

Yubelluna: Kuroka!

Grayfia goes to Xenovia and stands in front of her trying to hold her back. Yubelluna goes to Kuroka trying to help her out.
These girls all use to be friends, it feels like ever since I arrived here they've been arguing none stop.

Grayfia: Kuroka you were way out of line, you too Xenovia there was no need for you to punch her.

Xenovia: next time it won't just be a punch I'll do something else even worse.

Kuroka: oh really? What will you do? Kill me? Go ahead try it. Kill me you'll be just like the nine killing as they see fit.

Xenovia summons her durandal pushing Grayfia out the way, Kuroka prepares her self as she began to make her way towards her. Seeing this I immediately stand in front of both of them extending my arms with my hands in front of there faces.

Natsu: One more step.

Xenovia tries to lift her foot but I immediately spark my hands with lightning letting her know I'm not playing around.

Natsu: You two are suppose to be comrades, friends. Why are the two of you fighting? Is it because of Mira and me we will go to a hotel and stay there if that's the problem.

Grayfia: There's no need for that.

Natsu: Clearly there is..I don't want any of you to stop being friends because there's distrust between you all.

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