Chapter 38: The Real Dragon Queen

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Meanwhile having come back from the underworld, Grayfia was able to find something on the whereabouts of one of the nine etherious demons. All the girls arrive home exhausted and sleepy from the trip there as once they arrive they are greeted by the others who just arrived from school.

Xenovia: Lady Grayfia you're home

Grayfia: hey Xenovia. Has Natsu come back?

Xenovia: No, he probably stopped at the arcade or something. I'll give him a call for you

Grayfia: Yes please I'll appreciate it. One more thing can you and the girls prepare dinner I'm going to take a short nap.

Xenovia: yes no problem I'll get on it.

Grayfia: Thanks. Tiamat! Help out with dinner!

Tiamat: No! I'm going to sleep!

Grayifa sighs as she was about to say something to Tiamat but Xenovia assures her that she was fine. She nods at her and makes her way to Natsu's room, she lays down closing her eyes falling fast asleep.
In the ORC, Rias has asked Akeno a question which in return Akeno just ignored her.

Rias: Akeno! I asked you a question. Why don't you answer.

Akeno: I don't want to.

Rias: what is the matter with you recently?! You don't speak to me or the others. The only ones you speak to are Asia and Gasper. What is wrong with you?

Akeno: Wrong with me? What's wrong with all of you!

Rias: What do you mean by that?

Akeno chuckles at Rias.

Akeno: How stupid can you be.

Rias: Excuse me?!

Asia tries to intervine in between the two girls fighting but Gasper tells her not to. The two girls continue to go back and fourth.

Rias: Akeno I'm still your master. You should show me more respect.

Akeno: Rias. Please don't let the fact that I'm still part of your peerage determine what I can say or not say to you.

Rias: That's it! What is the matter with you?!

Akeno: Ask yourself that question! What's the matter with you! How can you turn your back on him!

Rias: huh?

Akeno: How can you turn your backs on Natsu.

Akeno says angrily at Rias. She looks towards Issei,Kiba and Koneko as well.

Akeno: You four where so quick to turn on him without letting him explain his call yourselves his friends? What kind of friends are you..?

Everyone just stay quite not uttering one word out. None of them not even Rias has ever seen Akeno react the way she is now.

Akeno: especially you say you love him but you where the first one to turn your back on didn't even give him a chance to explain his situation..

Rias: how do you know huh?!

Akeno: he came to me first! He told me he wanted to tell you himself but he never got the chance because there was always something going on. So I let him, not wanting to stick my nose in another persons business I let him tell you. But unfortunately it didn't happen that all had to find out through Loki.

Issei: Akeno you got to understand..Natsu is E.N.D..he posses a danger to us all.

Akeno: No he doesn't!!

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