Chapter 48: The Fox and The Dragon

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Natsu's Pov
That same night we arrived at Kunou's place. The attendants there helped the injured to the infirmary and began their medical treatment. Everyone except for my self and Mira had serious injuries not life threatening but serious enough that it would take them at least two days to fully recover. Once the medical staff bandaged me up, I was told to head to the dinning room where Azazel, and the others were. Half way there I met with Mira who was also heading the same way I was, so we decided to head inside at the same time. Once there we saw Azazel, Sona's sister Serafall, Kunou and her mother. Two servants pulled out two chairs indicating for us to sit.

Azazel: Have your been injuries treated?

Natsu: yeah they have

???: that's good to hear, the medical staff here is amazing.

I look towards the youkai not knowing who she is.

Natsu: Not to be rude or anything, I know you're Kunou's mother but what's your name?

???: my apologies I totally forgot to introduce my self. I'm Yasaka leader of the Youkai here in Kyoto.

Mira: I'm Mirajane Strauss, pleasure to meet you

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Mira: I'm Mirajane Strauss, pleasure to meet you.

Natsu: I'm..

Yasaka: Natsu Dragneel I'm I right?

Nastu: yeah that's right.

Yasaka: I'm sorry, my daughter here wouldn't stop talking about you.

Kunou: mother!

She says hiding her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Azazel: Well now that introductions are finished. Lady Yasaka mind telling us what happened to you, why led to this kidnap by the Hero Faction?

Yasaka: Ah yes that...well I was out for a stroll in the city with some bodyguards. I had stopped by several stores picking up a few things to bring back home. My maids had warned me earlier that day not to go out that they will do the shopping but I kindly declined them and told them I'll do it. But it may have seemed that we were followed ever since we left the facility. They took down both my guards then decided to use some sort of spell that made me drowsy. When I woke up I was in this dark room with couple of strangers there. I couldn't really tell how many individuals where because the place was littered with all different kinds of smells.

Azazel: anything you might remember?

Serafall: Yes my lady any clue might help in our investigation.

Yasaka: Sadly I don't.

Azazel: do you remember over hearing in any of the conversations? Like the motive behind your kidnapping or who orchestrated all of this?

Yasaka: I wish I can be more of help but sadly I don't. All I remember was a young man with glasses apologizing and putting me under a spell that forced me into transforming into my fox form.

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