Chapter 56: Grayfia the Ultimate Dragon Queen

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Tiamat: I am Heavenly Dragon Tiamat.

She looks around the arena seeing all of the stunned faces in the crowd. You can faintly see her scales begin to show as well as her fangs, I know I told her to remember who she was. But now she's just showing off. Oh well, she deserves to let loose.

Tiamat: Anyone else who thinks they can take me on please make your self known. That goes for you too devil.

She points directly at Sairaorg. He looks back at her with a cocky grin on his face. He suddenly appears right in front of Tiamat, so fast I wasn't able to react nor Tiamat.

Tiamat: He's fast!

Sairaorg: Alright then, you called me out, here I am.

I don't hesitate twice to make a move, Tiamat is out of her mind if she's going to fight that bastard first.

Grayfia: Natsu wait!

I use my lightning body making it to the field with a thunderous entrance.

Natsu: Easy there, your fight is with me not her.

Sairaorg: Why don't we give these people what they really want to see.

Natsu: Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

Suddenly Grayfia,Sirzechs and Azazel appear in front of us. Sirzechs stepping in front of Sairaorg and Grayfia along with Azazel in front of Tiamat and me.

Azazel: boys, boys, boys, not like this. There's an order to these kind of things.

Sirzechs: We don't want to make a mess out of things with two fights still left.

Tiamat: You do know you can't stop the two of us.

Grayfia: I can, Step down.

The two of them simply look at one another staring each other down, But Tiamat quickly realizes this isn't a time to play games.

Tiamat: Fine, fine what ever you say. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

She turns around and begins to head towards the tunnel. I look back to Sairaorg

Natsu: Next time you pull something like that Sirzechs won't be able to save you.

I turn around and head back as well with Grayfia following right behind.

Announcer: Well....that was unexpected. Who would have thought that the dragon king would have a heavenly dragon with him! Amazing! What other surprises can be in store for us! Alright everyone with just two fights remaining we will take a break so please fill up your stomachs, use the bathroom, get your drinks ready because the main event is around the corner!

Tiamat: Woooo! That was amazing! I haven't let loose like that in so long it felt great!

Natsu: you were awesome back there! I like the "I am Heavenly Dragon" part you looked like a super hero!

Tiamat: it felt great to say that honestly! The adrenaline is still pumping we should do that more often!

Natsu: hell yeah I'm in!

Grayfia: Ahem.

Tiamat and me turn around to see a very pissed off queen.

Tiamat: hello...

Grayfia: Congratulations on winning your match Tiamat, but what the hell were you thinking challenging Sairaorg like that?!

Tiamat: what? I could have taken him on, he doesn't look that tough.

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