Chapter 2: A New Enemy

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Rias pov*
Before school started.

I'm walking down the street minding my own business going over some things for the Occult Research Club looking through some papers, when out of no where I begin to feel this aura almost beast like. I ignore this feeling and continue on when I bumped into someone.

???: I'm sorry I didn't notice where I was going.

Rias: it's okay don't worry

I begin to pick up couple things that fell while this guy is helping me by his voice I can tell he is a guy but I never look at him. As he hands me my papers I barely managed to catch a glimpse of this mysterious person all I got to see was pink hair and a white scarf.

Rias: mmm strange, never seen him before but yet he has the schools student maybe?

I continue on my way to school when I meet my best friend Akeno at the entrance of the school.

Rias: Morning Akeno

Akeno: Morning Rias how did you sleep?

Rias: I slept good and you?

Akeno: good as well should we go to class

Rias: yeah let's go

We begin to walk to class when we finally make it there we see most of the students but not the teacher.

Rias: is Ms.Vermillion late again?

Akeno: when isn't she

We both laugh as we patiently wait for her arrival. After about 20 minutes of waiting she burst through the door.

Ms.Vermillion: good morning class

Everyone in class: Morning Ms.Vermillion

Ms. Vermillion: jeez you ladies sound dead. Well no worries today I have a surprise for you all. We have a new transfer student who would be in our class starting today.

Some of the female students begin to get excited saying things like "I hope he is cute" or "not a perv like that first year" poor Issei is known as the school perv along with his two other friends.

Akeno: Hey Rias

Rias: mmm

Akeno: I hear this new transfer student is quite handsome

Rias: you think so?

Akeno: yeah come on Rias you can't be at least a tiny bit curious.

Rias: I don't know most of the guys that come to this school are all perverts and only come because this use to be an all girl school.

Akeno: aw come one Rias don't be like that maybe he's different and who knows he might be the one you're looking for.

I begin to blush slightly at what Akeno just said but knowing how 99% of the guys here are perverts I don't get my hopes up to much.

Ms.Vermillion: okay Mr.Dragneel you may come inside.

I look out the window not caring for the new student but I hear all the girls begin to squeal so I turn and I notice he is scanning the room until we make eye contact. I notice his pink hair his white scarf those gorgeous onyx eyes I'm caught in some sort of spell by this guy "did he cast something on me?" I ask myself, I can't seem to look away even if I try I can't seem to look any where but him, he's not even looking any where else but me..I can feel my heart begin to beat rapidly. What the hell is going on?!

Ms.Vermillion: Mr.Dragneel?

Both of us snap out of it and he introduces him self to the class.

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