Chapter 75: Crimson Flames of Purgatory

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Natsu begins to open his eyes slowly feeling as if he is laying on a pillow. As he goes to touch the source he feels something smooth and squishy. He gets up slowly turning around seeing Irene reading a book.

Natsu: how long was I out for?

Irene: well you fell asleep during lunch so I'll say about two maybe three hours.

Natsu: What?! You mean to tell me I missed the rest of school because of a nap?!

Irene: yeah

Natsu: why didn't you wake me up?

Irene: you where just so sound asleep I didn't want to wake you.

Natsu: ugh fine

Natsu looks at his phone seeing the time.

Natsu: at least there's still some club activities still going on. Come on let's go home

As the two are heading down stairs they meet up with Azazel and Rossewiesse who where also heading home.

Azazel: there you two are, I was beginning to think you didn't like the school Ms. Irene

Irene: oh no it's fine. Natsu and I where just on the roof

Azazel: let me guess he took a nap?

Irene: Yup.

Rossewiesse: I swear Natsu if you're not in the infirmary room taking a nap you're in my office or the roof. You're never going to graduate like that

Azazel: don't be so hard on Natsu, Rossewiesse. He still a young dragon he needs his sleep.

Natsu: what he said.

Rossewiesse: hey! Since when are the two of you on the same page?!

Natsu: come on Rossewiesse let's go home

The four of them begin to make there way out of the school building when Natsu hears Akeno calling to him.

Akeno: Natsu!

She runs from behind leaping on him giving him a hug from behind.

Natsu: hey Akeno, are you done with club activities?

Akeno: sure am

Natsu: good let's all go home then.

Azazel turns around spotting Rias and her peerage.

Azazel: Rias It's nice to see you. How was school today?

The others turn around seeing Rias and the peerage as well.

Rias: it was the same as usual.

Azazel: going off to train with your brother?

Rias: yeah we are

Natsu: train?

Azazel: you haven't heard my lord? Rias and the others are getting special training from Sirzechs for there up in coming rating game.

Natsu: I didn't know of this. Are you participating in it Akeno?

Akeno: I have to..

Natsu: why aren't you getting any training in with them?

Akeno: I'm training with Tiamat and Lady Grayfia

Natsu: that's good. Well when would this rating game be?

Akeno: It should be in a couple of weeks we still have some time.

Rias: Akeno!

Akeno: what?!

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