Chapter 101: Resurrection

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Grandine: how was your first hunting trip with your father Natsu?

Natsu: it was good. I learned that hunting for your own food is harder then going to buy it at a grocery store.

Igneel: See I told you son. But you'll see how much tastier the meat will taste. Go on ahead take the first bite let me know how it taste.

Natsu picks up his fork picking up a piece of meat and tasting it. His eyes widen by the delicious taste in his tongue.

Natsu: wow this is amazing!

Igneel: thank your mother she's an amazing cook.

Grandine: I might have done the cooking but you two brought in the hunt.

The family of three continued eating there dinner. Nearly done Natsu suddenly drops his fork and reaches for his head.

Grandine: are you okay Natsu?


Igneel leans in closer to Grandine as he whispers something to her.

Igneel: I think he's remembering something.

Grandine: Hmm..Did you remember something?

Natsu: I...I think so. Dad?

Igneel: yes what is it?

Natsu: do I have another sibling? Or is Wendy my only other sibling?

Both parents look at each other surprised by such question. They were both surprised Natsu would ask such a thing as they were the only ones to know of Igneel's other child.

Igneel: why do you ask?

Natsu: It's weird but..I think who ever this person is might have been the reason I ended up like this.

Grandine: It's better if you answer him.

Igneel sighs. He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

Igneel: Yes, you have an older brother. His name is..

Natsu: Ignia...?

Igneel looks at Natsu confused on how he knew this.

Igneel: how did you know?

Natsu: I..I'm not sure..

Igneel: Well yes Ignia is his name.

Natsu: what happened to him?

Igneel: before you and your sister were born, before I met your mother. I was with another. I loved this women just as much as I love your mother. In return our loved flourished and she gave birth to a boy. At the time I was a young king, and during those times it was hard to raise a child. For one it wasn't common for a male dragon to stay with the family. But I decided to change that and stay with my son and back then wife. But conflict rose, dragons couldn't come to an agreement if we should make peace with the humans or destroy everything. Those discussions quickly died out and war began. I didn't want to. But I was forced to leave Ignia and his mother to tend to the frontlines. We were loosing if I had stayed with them they would be killed. It was a hard decision but it had to be done. I sent them away far far away to a land where they would know peace and tranquillity. A place in which Ignia would never have to see war or death.

Natsu: then what happened?

Grandine: Your father joined in the frontlines. I was his second in command during the war. It was a breath of fresh air to see the fire dragon king join us in war. We managed to push them back, and who ever was left was banished. Your father has a big heart he didn't want anymore bloodshed so the best thing to do was banish the remaining dragons. Years or war, years of senseless bloodshed finally came to an end. When we returned home we were treated to a warm welcome.

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