Chapter 7: Phenex Meets Drageneel

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We arrive at the ORC and see everyone there Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Kiba even Issei is here.

Issei: Natsu you're here

Natsu: you guys are here too?

Asia: yes Akeno came and picked us up did something happened?

Natsu: something about Rias meeting her fiancé

Both Issei and Asia: fiancé?!!

Issei: but she's only 18?

Natsu: I know i don't know what the hell is going on and I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Grayfia care to explain what's going on?

I say as anger can be heard from the tone of my voice

Akeno: Natsu calm down..

Grayfia: Lady Rias is set to meet her future husband tonight and make preparations for their up in coming wedding

Natsu: and just who is this future scumbag of a husband

Riser: that will be.

A sudden burst of flames appeared near the entrance of the room and a blonde man steps out along with fifteen women behind him.

Riser: good evening everyone I'm Riser Phenex it's nice to finally meet your peerage Rias Gremory

Grayfia: everyone this is Riser Phenex next in line for the head of the Phenex domain and King of his peerage

"Those fifteen women are his peerage? Issei will have a fit" I say to my self as I look at all the women.

Issei: no way that's like his own personal harem! This dude is my idol!

Riser begins to laugh at Issei's comment.

Riser: Riser finds this boy amusing, is this one of your servants?

Rias: yes he is

She says in a bad attitude.

Riser: don't give Riser that attitude we will be husband and wife soon

He puts his hand on her leg causing me to get extremely pist off. Wanting to say something I feel a hand grab mine and it's squeezing me hard, I look back And notice that it's Akeno "she's shaking..she must be as pist off as I am"

Issei: why is Rias being forced to marry this douchebag?

Grayfia: because during the last war we lost a great number of pure blooded devils

Riser: so Sirzechs allowed this marriage to happen to save and create more pure blooded devils

This angers me as Riser just sees Rias as a piece of meat as a toy he can play around with. I let anger take over finally speaking up

Natsu: I hate guys like you, you know that..

Riser: huh?

Natsu: you see Rias as a piece of meat you don't even love her you just want to make more pure blooded devils you don't give a shit how she feels about all of this

Riser: Riser doesn't care for pathetic feelings Riser cares only for power who are you to speak to Riser that way anyways

Natsu: Me? I'm the guy who's going to kick your ass!

Riser: oh really? You're just a pawn you're filth, trash beneath my feet, Mira show this trash how we settle things 

I close my eyes and just smirk.

Natsu: I'm fired up now.

This little girl in a white haori with a red coat on, attacks me with her wooden staff a grab the staff with my right hand incinerating it and punch her in the stomach with my left hand sending her flying back to Risers peerage. Riser has a shocked looked on his face and sends another one of his lackeys to attack me.
This time I grip the women by her head

Natsu: Fire Dragon King Grip Strike.

With one touch of my flames I burn the woman leaving nothing left of her but her clothes.

Riser: you're a cocky one Riser will have fun killing you

Riser stands up but in a swift motion I move towards him at the speed of light living electricity behind

Grayfia: Enough!

Grayfia yells out and stomps her foot, as I appear again in front of Riser pulling my punch away slightly to the right side of his face barely missing him sending a wave of power behind him destroying the club room leaving a giant hole. I then make eye contact with Riser as I can see nothing but fear in his eyes, I growl at him.

Grayfia: Sirzechs thought this might happen but I never expected the Dragon King to react the way he did.

Riser: Dra...dragon king? You mean to tell Riser this punk is the dragon king?

Grayfia: if you please Sir.Phenex quit with the name calling unless you want Mr.Dragneel here to attack you I was saying Sirzechs saw this coming so to solve this issue he made a proposal for you two. Settle this in a rating game, the Gremory household vs the Phenex household if Sir.Phenex wins then Rias will have to marry him

Akeno: what about if we win

Grayfia: then Rias can choose who she wishes to marry

Riser: Riser agrees to this rating game

Rias: As do I

Grayfia: then it's settled one week from today we will be having the rating game here in Kuoh Academy

Riser: Know this Dragon King..

I look at Riser making eye contact with him.

Riser: you have now made an enemy of the immortal Phenex

Natsu: wouldn't have it any other way.

Another sudden flame appears and Riser as well as his peerage disappear.

Grayfia: I'll see you a week from now Lady Rias

Rias: see you in a week.

Issei: holy shit Natsu that was awesome man!

Kiba: I would say you stood up to one of the most powerful devils there is

Akeno: I found it really attractive

Asia: you're not hurt are you Natsu?

Koneko: you are one cool dude

Natsu: it was nothing guys really

Rias: thank you Natsu

Natsu: no need to thank me Rias, I would do anything for you

I grab her hand and kiss it while she blushes slightly then Akeno jumps on my back

Akeno: come on Rias don't hog him all to yourself now

Rias: Akeno quit it!

Kiba: well President when do we start training

Rias: right tomorrow morning we all meet up at Natsu's house and begin training

Natsu: why my house?

Rias: because silly we live there

Natsu: sigh* fine

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