Chapter 102: The Setting Moon

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Our train ride to the country side seemed to be a long one. It was already the following morning when I'm awakened by a sudden bad dream. In this dream I heard the roars of a dragon, it wasn't any of the dragons I knew. But it still surprised me that I would dream of such a thing. The bad part of all this was this dragon caught fire, amongst the flames something evil, something sinister rose from the ashes. I'm not sure what this dream was about, maybe it was some sort of message or maybe I still can't get over Natsu's death.

Brandish: Awake already?

I hear Brandish's voice calling me. I tilt my head a little seeing her all dressed up with two cups of coffee in her hand. She extends her hand out offering me one.

Brandish: here..

Irene: thank you.

I take a sip from it, burning the tip of my tongue.

Brandish: forgot to say it was hot

Irene: yeah..thanks. What are you doing awake so early? I wouldn't have thought of you as a morning person.

Brandish: Yeah well, after spending years with Mira. You get use to waking up this early.

Irene: I always forget you two have known each other for a long time. Even back then she was this nice?

Brandish: She wasn't always. She has a bad side, she just doesn't show it. But anyways why are you awake so early?

Irene: I couldn't sleep anymore

Brandish: couldn't sleep or did you have a bad dream.

Irene: bad dream..

Brandish: I've been having the same as of lately too. I keep seeing this dragon on fire, and something bad rose-

Irene: From it..something evil..

We both look at each other as I finished her sentence.

Brandish: how did you..

Irene: I had the same dream..

Brandish: what do you think this means? Could Mira also be having the same dream?

Irene: Maybe, I'm not sure. It could just be because Natsu's death is still fresh in our minds. It's only been a couple of days since he died.

Brandish: yeah you're probably right.

Irene: how far are we from your friends location?

She looks outside the window seeing nothing but farm fields.

Brandish: Hopefully we're close. I remember her giving me her address but that was years ago. Things seem different here.

I let out a soft sigh as I take another sip of my coffee.

Brandish: so that was his clan huh?

I look over to her surprised she's asking such a question.

Irene: Yeah. Quite the interesting bunch aren't they?

Brandish chuckles

Brandish: yeah. Can I ask you something?

Irene: what is it?

Brandish: you could've killed Natsu's queen. You're stronger than she is. Why didn't you?

I look towards my coffee. Staring at it for a few seconds managing to see my own reflection from it.

Irene: to be honest I was expecting Mira to react that way when she first heard the news. But Grayfia to react in such a a way really surprised me. I deserved it honestly. She was right in everything she said. I was suppose to protect him, stay by his side.

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