Chapter 53: The Gods Make A Move

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The Night Before Natsu's Fight With Sairaorg.

???: it's rare that all of us are here in one place.

Said someone speaking softly in a female voice.

???: who would've thought you'll be able to make it

Said a dragon with a smooth voice.

???: Shut up. I come when I'm needed and when it's important.

A dragon with red scales and markings all over its body said to another.

???: so you consider this boy a threat?

???: I don't consider anyone a threat especially someone who was an offspring of that weak dragon Igneel. It will just be fun to test his strength against mine is all.

???: What ever you say Ignia.

???: alright let's get back on track. We're all here to discuss our next move. It seems the dragon king is making moves of his own. From what we can gather he was last spotted fighting those weaklings of the Hero Faction.

Ignia: I would've wiped those bastards out in one blow.

???: Of course you would, you fire dragons are all the same.

Ignia: Says the one who sunk his city to avoid being found out by humans. At least I don't hide I face everyone head on unlike you Mercphobia.

???: Enough out of the two of you!

Said the female dragon highly irritated by the two dragons continuous bickering. She continued to explain there plan once they became silent.

???: Since then he's kept a very low profile. One of our spies informed me that he's going to be participating in a rating game against Sairaorg Bael. This might be our only chance to execute our plan.

???: I still think it's a stupid plan. Why not just kill him while he's weak and beaten, it will make everyone's life here easy.

Said a dragon who's scales where the color of gold.

Ignia: Where's the fun in killing someone who is already weak. I prefer the challenge!

Mercphobia: Don't bite more than you can chew Ignia. We might be gods but there are those who can kill gods and the dragon king is one of them.

Ignia rises his aura causing the earth to shake. Ignia angered by the water gods comments decides he'll shut him up by sending a fire ball at him, but Mercphobia blocks it by putting up a water wall to protect himself.

Ignia: I'm a god! Like hell I'll let anyone defeat me, there was only one person I would've allowed to kill me but he no longer exist in this world.

The female dragon god uses her beams of light to catch the attention of the two dragons who where fighting like little kids in the park.

???: Any of you say another word that is not about the plan I'll kill you both where you stand, do I make myself clear?

Ignia: You know damn well you can't kill us even if you tried.

???: Do you want to test that theory?

Ignia: Gladly.

But before the two can have there epic showdown a knock catches there attention.

???: ah, she's here.

Mercphobia: who's here?

???: The one who will show the dragon king the error of his ways.

The Demon Dragons Reign حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن