Chapter 95: Brothers

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Irene and Selene where far away from Natsu and the others as two dragons faced off against one another. Selene was left quite shocked seeing Irene hit her. She massaged her jaw gently passing her hand through.

Selene: That was cheap of you.

Irene stood still waiting for something to happen. She knew all of Selene's powers and weaknesses. If there was anyone to face of against the moon dragon god Irene would be the perfect match, and vise versa. Selene knew where to hit Irene where it hurts her the most, the two even though one was far more superior than the other both knew each other like sisters.

Selene: You know it's weird. This brings back memories to our younger days. Where we picked you up and took you in. All of those times we spent training, nearly killing each other in the process. Ah, what wonderful times that was.

Irene: I'll ask you again. What are you doing here Selene?

Selene: I already told you I'm here to see the destruction of this little town, and witness Mercphobia's pain when he realizes he was the one who did all of this.

Irene: You know damn well that's a lie! You had a hand in all of this! It reeks of your scent.

Selene: Ara, it does? But I bathed before coming here.

Irene sends a magic blast towards Selene's feet. Selene simply looks at the blast and doesn't move.

Selene: You want to know my true intentions don't you? I'm actually here for the dragon king. To be more specific I'm here for Etherious Natsu Dragneel.

Irene: What?! What do you want with Natsu?!

Selene: Is that really a question you should be asking? I sent you here to kill him didn't I. Why do you think that was? You've spent more than enough time with him to know.

Irene: You don't know what you're getting yourself into Selene! Before you continue with your plan I advise you to quit while you still have your legs.

Selene: Are you threatening me Irene?

Irene: I'm not. But if you mess with Natsu consider it a threat.

Selene giggles at Irene.

Selene: You have it all wrong Irene dear. I'm not here to kill him, I'm here to take control of him. You see when a person finds love they will do anything to protect it. When a person has people to whom they care for they will do anything to keep them safe.

Irene: Quit with the riddles and come out with it already!

Selene: Let me put it like this, when God Serena contacted you the first time and threaten your daughter what did you do?

Irene widens her eyes hearing what Selene has planned.

Selene: I'll take it that by your reaction you know where I'm going with this. You poisoned Natsu didn't you? You didn't kill him. But you immobilized him for a few days. Now imagine what the one who's feared by all of the factions, can take down a god and a great devil. Can literally turn this world upside down, imagine what a man like that would do when his loved ones are put in danger. When the love he found turns to hate.

Irene: You bitch!

Selene: My plan goes far beyond starting a war between factions. No, no it's far greater than that. My plan is to use Natsu to destroy everything! Including the dragon gods.

Irene: why would you want to do that? The other four would sure find out about your plan!

Selene: Really? I doubt that. Those four idiots are filled by testosterone and an itch for war! They're too narrow sided to see what I have planned behind there backs.

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