Chapter 74: Back to normal

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Natsu's Pov
After such a long time being away from home it feels great to be back. Everything is almost as I left it when we all went to the underworld for the rating game. Only a few things have been moved around in the living room either then that everything is still the same.

Natsu: it's good to be back home

Happy: Natsu!

I hear the voice of my little friend who I haven't seen in such a long time. He leaps up to me and gives me a hug as I return the hug.

Natsu: hey there happy! It's been a long time!

Happy: Aye...too long!

Carla: Natsu, it's nice to see you're back.

Natsu: hey there Carla

I'm glad to see that both exceeds are well. I made my way up stairs to go lay on my bed. It's been a long time since I've laid on my own bed.

Third Person Pov
Irene is amazed at the house Natsu and the others live in. She also notices that Natsu has gone up stairs with Grayfia following right behind him. Her curious nature got the best of her.

Irene: Girls, I don't think we've been formally introduced to one another

She says with a gentle smile. The girls all notice that she's right.

Kuroka: Damn she's right. Well I'm Kuroka Toujou

Irene: Ara you're that other nekomatas sibling aren't you?

Kuroka: Yeah how did you know?

Yubelluna: My name is Yubelluna

Xenovia: Xenovia Quatra

Rossewiesse: I'm Rossewiesse Valkyrie nice to meet you

Akeno: Akeno Himejima

She says with a slight bow.

Mira: Mira Jane Strauss

Says the white haired mage with a smile on her face.

Irina: Irina Shidou at your service!

Tiamat: I'm Tiamat.

Irene: it's nice to meet you all ladies. As you know I'm Irene Belserion

Xenovia: I'm a bit curious about what happened during dinner. How did you make Issei bow down to you?

Irina: Yeah how did you do that?

Akeno: only other person we've seen do that to Issei is Natsu. But that's because of his dragon powers.

Tiamat: are you all that oblivious?

She says as she makes her way towards the couch to watch some tv.

Kuroka: what are you referring to?

Mira and Wendy smile innocently confusing the other girls.

Rossewiesse: Mira? Wendy? Do you guys know something?

Wendy: Irene-san is a dragon like Natsu and myself.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Mira: It's true she is. Her magic power is noticeable. I'm surprised you girls haven't felt it?

Tiamat: don't expect too much from them Mira.

Irina: Hey!

Kuroka: come on Tiamat why are you still mean to us?!

Tiamat: oh be quite already I'm watching my show.

Akeno joins Tiamat as the two begin to watch tv together. The other girls gathered around the table as Irene followed them and sat down as well.

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