Chapter 76: Floating Dead Leaves

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After Natsu and the others had left the school grounds. There were some people who happen to witnessed everything that had occurred. One poor soul was at the wrong place at the wrong time. While the other two witnessed the fights from ontop of the school building.

Ophis: Who knew the red dragon emperor had made this much improvement since the last time you fought him.

Vali: doesn't matter, the fact of the matter that he had to use juggernaut drive while not being able to fully control it,is the bigger problem. He keeps that up and he will die young.

Ophis: that's right don't you have to give a part of your body to use that power?

Vali: yeah.

Ophis: doesn't your life energy get shorten too?

Vali: stop acting like you don't know.

Ophis: right right I'm sorry I forget sometimes. Lucky for you Albion and yourself are in perfect sync. How about the dragon king? Having witnessed his new power, do you still think you can take him down?

Vali: Natsu isn't my priority at the moment. Fighting big red and Issei are.

Ophis: sounds to me like your scared of the big bad dragon slayer.

Vali flares his aura being irritated by Ophis remarks.

Ophis: Oops

Ophis smiles turning her head back towards where Natsu and the others where, at that time she saw an unexpected guess approaching Rias.

Ophis: oh?

She saw everything going on between Rias and the individual, when she turned to look back at Natsu she noticed he stopped walking.

Ophis: Say Vali isn't that...?

Vali: Yeah. I've heard rumors of him but who would've thought he...Never mind, this is why I don't do dating.

Ophis: Jealousy is a dangerous thing. We've seen the dragon king take on numerous obstacles. Loki, Riser, Kokabiel, Satan, God. Let's see how he deals with matters of the heart.

The two turn back walking towards the exits before disappearing. Down below on the ground before the fight even happened a golden eye brunette who was leaving the campus bumped into an invincible wall.

Aika: what the..?

She reaches in front of her to see what she had hit. As she touches the invisible wall she sees a red color emanating off from it. She began to freak out wondering what had happened to her.

Aika: what?! I'm I dead? No I can't be...i still haven't enjoyed my life as an adult! God please if I've ever committed a sin please forgive me!

She then hears a roar coming from a distance, the ground began to shake and hears an explosion. Curiosity got the best of her as she ran towards the noises. Arriving there she couldn't believe what she saw

Aika: what...? Is that a dragon?!

???: Fire Dragon King Sword Horn!

She sees a flash go through the dragons chest surprising her. Her jaw drops from seeing all of this happen in front of her. She sees the giant dragon fall to the ground and sees someone walk up to the dragon. In a matter of seconds she sees Rias and Irene appear in front of the dragon and the individual who was walking towards the dragon.

Aika: Rias?

She looks around seeing everyone else there.

Aika: Koneko? Kiba? Asia? Akeno? Mr. Azazel too?
What is going on here?!

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