Chapter 99: Deceit

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It was another day on the fields of sakuras. It was around dinner time. Natsu knew his body was badly injured only thing keeping him alive is his other half. The demon within him. He knew that because his mother explained it to him, but he didn't care. He knew his time would come and he was at peace with it. That was his mindset and his parents knew something was off about there son.

Natsu: what for dinner tonight?

Grandine: we're having deer tonight. Have you ever had deer?

Natsu: Not really.

Igneel: your mother makes the best deer meat in the world! You'll love it son!

Once the food was ready the family sat down to eat dinner. Natsu took the first bite and immediately loved it.

Natsu: this is great!

Igneel: you see I told you!

Grandine: hey dear why don't you take Natsu hunting with you tomorrow.

Natsu: hunting?

Igneel: that's a great idea!

Natsu: I honestly thought mom was kidding when she said you went hunting for food. Isn't there any grocery store or something here?

Igneel sighs.

Igneel: that's what's wrong with this generation. You all have your little groceries stores or those fast food restaurants. That isn't real meat! Have you ever hunted your prey and tasted the fresh meat!

Natsu: umm no? I thinking hunting is illegal in some countries.

Igneel: jeez boy, you need to learn to not depend on those artificial foods. If you're hungry you go out there and catch your prey with your bare hands. Well in our case claws

He says as he wiggles his claws in front of Natsu. Grandine gets up and goes to throw away what's left over. Igneel motions to Natsu to come closer.

Natsu: what is it?

Igneel: you see your mother over there?

Natsu: yeah?

Igneel: Don't let her kind appearance fool you son. Your mother is an excellent hunter, when she sets her eyes on prey, it's basically over for it.

Grandine: I can head you.

Both men look up at the direction of Grandine.

Grandine: don't listen to your father. Back then I use to do the hunting because your father doesn't know how to be silent.

The sounds of clanking heels echoed through the fields.

Natsu: what is that?

All three dragons looked up towards the skies. Igneel and Grandine knew Natsu would wake up.

Grandine: dear we'll be waiting

Natsu: what? What do you mean?

Igneel: stay strong Natsu.

The image of his parents began to fade until everything went dark. Natsu began to groan in his sleep.

Karameel: Natsu sama! Natsu sama! Wake up!

Natsu moves his head around gently hearing the faint voice of Karameel.

Karameel: Natsu sama!

He finally opens his eyes. His vision disoriented after being asleep for two days. He begins to blink rapidly trying to get his vision back. Slowly but surely he begins to see clearly, seeing Karameel just a few inches away from him.

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