Chapter 31: Fallen Leaves

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After getting my message across to everyone in the room, they have all seemed to have settled down. Now they're forced to treat me with respect. Showing a bit of brute force doesn't hurt, but it also sends a message to everyone that neither me or my clan are to be messed with. If they knew Tiamat a dragon god was also a part of my clan I think the underworld will break in half.
It's been almost an hour and the summit has yet to finish. It seems at least everyone in this summit has had an encounter with Vali or at least someone from his team. With the most recent attack new information is being presented to everyone here. Apparently Vali isn't working alone he has other accomplices with him. The information also reveals other spots where Vali is going to hit next but they're not sure if it's the actual target or if it's just a distraction. He also seems to be working with another terrorist group calling themselves the Hero Faction. Seems Vali has found himself powerful allies. After hearing these news I begin to space out and think of other things. I'm then contacted by Tiamat via telepathy.

Tiamat: you there idiot?

Natsu: I'm here, could it hurt you not to call me an idiot?

Tiamat chuckles

Tiamat: did you have to kill that devils guards?

Natsu: I didn't have to but we had to demonstrate our power to everyone here don't you think?

Tiamat: aren't you suppose to be keeping your identity a secret from everyone E.N.D?

I turn my head slightly looking at her letting out an angry growl.

Tiamat: I'm just kidding, calm down. You see why I call you an idiot?

Natsu: Keeping that a secret yes, but telling everyone I'm dragon king isn't a secret.

Tiamat: if you say so

She then turns her head to the right. I get curious and also look that way. I see Grayfia who's having a hard time keeping her head up trying her hardest not to doze of.

Natsu: link Grayfia to us can't have her falling asleep now

Tiamat closes her eyes for a split second then opens them. She nods her head letting me know the link to her is up.

Natsu: Someone looks sleepy

She immediately snaps out of it looking ahead then looks towards us. I just smile at her.

Grayfia: sorry..I didn't get much sleep last night I'm exhausted..and this summit going on is not making it any easier

Natsu: I know what you mean my stomach has been growling for hours already

Tiamat: do you always think with your stomach?

Natsu: when I'm hungry yes

Tiamat: you're always hung..

Suddenly a blast shakes the entire room we are in. This causes everyone to stop talking wondering what's going on.

Tiamat: the hell was that?

Another huge blast is heard this time the entire building we are in shakes making a debris fall from the roof. Everyone in the building is being evacuated to a safer location until the problem is dealt with.

Grayfia: could it be Vali again?

Natsu: don't know until we find out right?

The three of us begin to run towards the exits to investigate but not before hearing Rias calling me.

Rias: Natsu! Where are you going?

Natsu: going to go check what's causing the explosions, stay with Sirzechs and the others.

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