Chapter 45: She-Devil and E.N.D

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Natsu's Pov
I can't remember a thing. Last thing I remember was looking for someone...did I ever find that person?

???: you did..

I hear a female voice say to me.

Natsu: who's there?

???: Someone who's hear to warn you, Natsu.

I try to pick up on the scent of who ever it is talking to me, but I can't seem to pick up on anything.

???: you won't be able to figure out who am I. Just listen, You're fight against the twins hasn't gone unnoticed.

Nastu: what do you mean?

???: Ever since you defeated God and Satan. There's been eyes on you. Not only by the devils and angels alike, but other entity's as well.

Natsu: Like who?

???: Well you know about Asgard and how they have a run on sight rule with you, but that still doesn't stop them from monitoring you.  You also have the infinite dragon keeping close tabs on you, as well as the Dragon Gods.

Natsu: I know about them. I've been warned already. I think I'm ready to take one on if....

The female voice gets agitated.

???: you don't know! know nothing about us.

Natsu: us?

???: If and when the time does come that you have to face one of the five dragon gods, I'll teach you ways to defeat them. But for now, I'll let you off with this. Make peace with your friends, keep them close by. Remember only cause you're E.N.D doesn't mean your immortal. You can die just like anyone else can.

My eyes widen at the her shocking statement, who ever this person is knows I'm E.N.D. The area around me gets dark. All I'm able to see is a shooting star shooting upwards instead of down.
I begin to open my eyes slowly, first thing I see is a ceiling and a sudden pain coming from my torso. With all the pain I'm feeling I still try to sit up when I notice that Happy is laying down next to me sleeping. I then see a blonde haired girl who's head was down on the bed.

Natsu: Lucy?

I call to her, shaking her gently. She lets out a small groan and wakes up. She rubs her eyes turning to look at me surprised I'm awake.

Lucy: Natsu!

She hugs me tightly, which causes me a lot of pain due to my wounds.

Natsu: ow! Lucy, gentle

Lucy: I'm so sorry..I forgot.

We both hear the door begin to open softly.

Mira: Lucy, I brought you some snacks. You should eat. It's been hours...

Mira sees me awake as she drops the plate of food, and runs to me. With tears in her eyes she hugs me tightly.

Mira: Natsu!

Natsu: Ow..Mira not you too...

Mira: oh geez! I'm so sorry!

She says quickly letting go and patting me softly on the back. Just then Master Makarov and the others come in.

Erza: what happened Mira?! We heard noises?..Natsu?

Juvia: Thank goodness he's awake.

Makarov: Glad you're finally awake child.

Natsu: it's going to take a lot more than a little battle between dragons to keep me down.

Gajeel: I got a couple questions for you!

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