Chapter 82: Dark Premonition

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Irene's Pov Earlier in The Day
I heard some moving around in the room, it wasn't too loud but it was enough to wake me up. When I got up from bed I saw Mira already awake.

Mira: oh good morning Irene, did I wake you?

Irene: a bit yeah

Mira: sorry about that

She says embarrassingly smiling while rubbing the back of her head. Sometimes when I look at these girls most of them end up picking up Natsu's mannerisms, it's like looking at a female version of Natsu.

Irene: why are you awake so early?

Mira: Well I have to get ready and head to the guild to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Irene: do you do this by yourself?

Mira: not really Elfman and Lisanna help me out

Irene: Elfman and Lisanna...they're your siblings right?

Mira: Yup!

Irene: tell me how did they take it when they found out you where there older sister?

Mira: Huh? How did they take it? Well the first thing Elfman did was cry like a big baby

The two of us chuckle

Mira: as for Lisanna she was so happy to have an older sister she couldn't contain how happy she was so she as well started crying. They took better than I thought, here I was an older sister who hadn't seen her brother or sister in ages and they accepted me with open arms.

I can't help but smile at the cute story that Mira told me. If the siblings of the second strongest Etherious demon accepted her, than maybe Erza would accept me as well...

Mira: still curious about Erza?

Irene: huh?

Mira: don't over think things. If you're so worried about it why don't the two of you hang out. Get to know each other see how that goes.

Irene: yeah I think I'll do that

Mira: great! Now come on get ready we have a long day! Oh and by the way I put some clothes for you in the bathroom

Irene: what's wrong with my old clothes?

Mira: well while I do think they're nice we can have you going around Kyoto in a two piece bathing suit and a witch hat.

Irene: what's wrong with my hat? What about my others clothes those are acceptable right?

Mira: you mean the one with the sword?

Irene: yeah!

Mira: nope, unacceptable

Irene: seriously..?!

Mira: Yup no go shower come on!

As I go into the shower I spot the clothes Mira had placed inside for me. I pick up the shirt and look at it..

Irene: she wants me to wear this?

I quickly take a shower as I can hear Mira kinda rushing me from the outside. Once I was done I get dressed in the clothes she lend me and go outside.

Irene: so how do I look?

Mira: you look perfect!

Irene: really?

Mira: yes! I knew the white top with the black pants would fit perfectly, and nice touch on the coat makes you look like a bad ass I love it!

Mira: yes! I knew the white top with the black pants would fit perfectly, and nice touch on the coat makes you look like a bad ass I love it!

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