Chapter 6:Acceptance

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It was finally time for me to get my familiar after that intense dodgeball game it just felt right to go and get it over with.

Rias: Alright we will be traveling to the Forest of familiars. Asia, Issei and Natsu will all be getting there's so congrats you guys.

Akeno summons a magic circle, we all get on it and are transported to a dark and creepy looking forest.

Natsu: well this isn't creepy at all

Akeno: are you scared you can hold on to me if you'll like

Akeno then wraps her arms around mine

Rias: Akeno What have I told you about suffocating Natsu

Akeno: aww come on Rias he doesn't mind

Rias then runs to the left side of me and wraps her arms around my left arm.

Issei: lucky bastard

This guy up on a tree appears out of no where and begins to speak to us telling us to chose our familiars wisely because they will be together with us forever, when out of no where I hear a voice call to me. As if I was in some sort of spell I begin to walk towards the voice

Rias: Natsu where are you going?

I ignore Rias calling me and continue on my way I can hear everyone calling me but for some reason my body won't react nor can I talk. The voice I begin to hear sounds familiar to me sounds like a woman's voice...or is it a man...
That's when I'm picked up by a blue fur ball and taken back to my friends.

Rias: Natsu! There you are what happened?

Natsu: what do you mean?

Koneko: you don't remember?

Natsu: I...I remember you guys and afterwards I felt like I was caught in some sort of spell

The man explains or at least tried to explain what happened to me according to him this forest has the ability to make you hear or see things from your past separating you from your group and eventually dying.

Natsu: uhh guys what happened to your clothes?..

Asia: Issei found this weird slime and he got all excited because it melted our clothes away but Akeno and Rias took care of it

Natsu: here you go guys cover yourselves with these

I hand Rias my coat Akeno my shirt and Koneko my scarf so she can at least cover her self a bit

Rias: thanks Natsu but we got it

She snaps her fingers and all there clothes get repaired

Koneko: here you go Natsu....thanks

She hands me back my scarf when I notice that she is blushing so I pet her head making her pur.

Natsu: uh rias, Akeno can I get back my stuff

Rias: say what ? I can't hear you

Akeno: you're going to have to speak up

Natsu: sigh* fine you can wear them I'll just wear my scarf. How did I get back here anyways ?

???: that would be us

Everyone: huh?

???: Aye

Natsu: woah a flying talking cat!

"We're exceeds" says the white female exceed.

Asia: they're so cute

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