Chapter 84: Unlikely Demon

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Irene: I'll kill you for ever laying a hand on her.

Irene says as her eyes are filled with rage, her entire body begins to get covered in a red aura. She places Natsu down gently seeing that he's slowly healing himself. Knowing this will take time due to the mass danger of his injury. She then turns her attention towards God Serena who's eyes have completely gone black with only his pupils turning white in color.

God Serena: You try to fight me now in your state and you are sure to die

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God Serena: You try to fight me now in your state and you are sure to die.

Irene: it doesn't matter I'll end your life before you have the chance to kill me.

God Serena: really? I think you forgot something very important

Irene suddenly feels a pain in her chest which causes her to reach for her heart, the pain being to intense causes her to go down on her knees. Shortness of breath, intense chest pains, and the sound of her heart beating a thousand miles an hour has Irene at God Serena's mercy.

God Serena: you forgot didn't you? The ticking time bomb I placed in you. How shameful

She struggles to look up at Serena clenching her fist she slams it on the concrete floor getting up slowly.

Irene: You need a handicap to kill me? That will for sure show the dragon gods that you're powerful

She says with a chuckle, irritated by her remark God Serena launches himself at Irene punching her in the gut causing her to fall down to her knees again. He then proceeds to kick her across the face which makes her hit her head in the floor.

God Serena: I don't really care. At the end of the day you'll be dead and I'll be known as the one who slayed the dragon sage! Sea Dragon Kings Water Blade!

With his entire arm covered in water in form of a blade, God Serena slashes towards Irene but she quickly dodges it sending a powerful magic attack at him.

God Serena: that was a weak attempt to hurt me Lady Irene

She summons her staff and sends a barrage of magic attacks at God Serena. He covers his left hand in rocks while his right is covered in lightning. With each attack Irene sends God Serena deflects the attacks back by punching them. She blindly launches for a closer range attack appearing from below him she goes to land an uppercut but her punch is stopped when she feels something hard connect with her fist.

God Serena: I know all of your moves Lady Irene! It's useless

She tries to pull her fist back but she struggles as she notices God Serena has a tight grip on her with his hand covered in steal. With his other hand he places it in front of her face as he hits her with lightning magic. Irene at the last second but up a barrier blocking the lightning attack while also causing an explosion which covered the area they were in with smoke.
Meanwhile Lucy was able to free one of her hands and reached out for one of her celestial keys.

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