Chapter 94: Water and Moon

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Selene: My dear Mercphobia, you know what you did was wrong.

Mercphobia in his bed began to toss and turn in his bed hearing Selene's voice in his sleep.

Selene: Asking the dragon king to kill you if you loose control was noble of you but do you really think he can save you? You've witnessed it yourself, together you and I are strong. Together we can defeat the other dragon gods. We are bound by fate. You are water and I am the moon. We need one another. Now rise my water dragon god, rise from your slumber and destroy everything in your path.

Natsu's Pov
We woke up around nine I would say. Lucy and I walked to the dinning room to see everyone there already eating breakfast.

Mercphobia: Natsu, Lucy it's so good for you to join us. Come, come we have lots to eat this morning.

Lucy: Wow thanks Mercphobia sir

Mercphobia: Please Mercphobia is fine. Tell how did you all sleep?

Natsu: It was good, we knocked out like logs

Mercphobia began to chuckle

Mercphobia: Good to know. I think it's a dragon thing for us to fall asleep rather quickly

Irene: hate to admit it but he's right

Wendy: Yeah..same here..

The others began to laugh hearing that dragons tend to fall asleep fast, and not easily awaken. I looked over towards Mercphobia and noticed he was struggling with something. It seemed like his head hurts, Karameel noticed too as she walked up to him and faintly asked him what was wrong. He shook his head indicating nothing was wrong. When he went to grab his glass cup with juice on it, he was shaking. Seconds later his cup fell on the floor making everyone else look at him.

Karameel: Mercphobia sama!

Mercphobia: I'm so sorry Karameel..I don't know what happened..

Karameel: It's fine don't worry about it.

She quickly grabbed a dust pan and began to place the glass on it while a chef mopped the juice away.

Mercphobia: I will like to apologize everyone seems I'm not feeling well today.

Erza: It's okay

Gray: Yeah, maybe you should lay back down

Mercphobia: thank you all for understanding. I think I will do just that. Thank you.

He stands up pushing his seat back in.

Mercphobia: please everyone feel free to do as you wish. There's plenty of sight seeing and fun things to do around the town.

Lucy: Thank you we will.

Just as he was about to walk away he grabbed his head again and nearly fell over. If it wasn't for Karameel's quick reaction he would had hit the floor. Again she asked him if he was alright to another nod from him. This time she accompanied him to his room. This left some us wondering what could have happened to him to feel so ill from one day to another. We all planned to meet near the entrance of the palace to go sight seeing and talk about what had happened in the table.

Lucy: what do you think could have happened to him?

Natsu: I have no clue

Lucy: could he have caught a cold you think?

Natsu: Maybe I don't know. Dragons immune systems are usually strong when it comes to colds and stuff. But who knows maybe it's some kind of cold that affected him.

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