Chapter 9.

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I moaned and made a few rasping noises as I pressed my temple to attempt to stop the pounding agony I was experiencing. I was inebriated the previous evening and didn't give a lot of things much thought. In addition, because I had to wake up at eight in the morning and had come home at two in the morning, I had to get ready for my nine to five work at the beginning of the day.

I felt terrible about the whole thing. I glanced across the shop to check what Donna was doing as she wiped down tables in another area. I was first sick to my stomach when I volunteered for this work because of the bleach stench that followed me around. It seemed impossible that Luke hadn't called, even though I couldn't image him not doing so. Nevertheless, I took a quick look at my phone. Could it be that last night I frightened him away? I question if I went too far in treating him harshly, even though I know I had a right to do so in certain situations. I laughed heartily. To be honest, for a split second, I didn't even entertain the idea that such a situation might occur.

He definitely earned it, in my view. It's likely that he took something away from it. I was still worried about the issue, however, so I wasn't entirely at ease. What if he chose to stop acting like I was his girlfriend? To ensure the upkeep of dignity, a substantial sum of money needed to be given up in order to preserve its dignity. Not until Donna did looked at my phone and saw that Rich Luk had texted send me a text message. It seemed as if the money had been removed from the register and the cash register had been opened. "Disappointed?" someone said. "No, not at all," I said. Removed. "Is it disappointing?" I asked. "No, not at all," was his response. "Disappointed?" someone said.

"No, not at all," I said. There was not much to do throughout the day at work, so I didn't have much to do. No one entered the business since it was pouring outside and the weather was gloomy. Since there was a Dunkin' drive-thru across the street, I assumed they would be going to the one down the block. "No, not really," I clarified. "Disappointed?" you said. "No, not at all," I answered. Let down?"Not really," I said. retorted, "I didn't have much to do during the day at work." due to the lack of activities and the fact that it was pouring outside "No, not really," I said. Out. "Disappointed? No, no customers entered the store because of the bad weather and assumed they were going to the Dunkin' drive-through across the street."

"No, not at all," I said positively. "Are you disappointed?"No, not really," I answered. I didn't have much to do during the day at work because there wasn't much to do. No customers entered the store because of the bad weather and rain, so I assumed they were going to the Dunkin's drive-through across the street. drive-thru on the other side of the street, but there was nothing to Donna gave a couple nods even though it wasn't a discussion. When will you be able to resume working for the company? "Is there a certain date on which you will be returning to work? I lost count of the number of Michelangelo's I had counted throughout the process of counting them.

"Michelangelo's painting never even occurred to me. When I did, I had almost finished my suspension. Does it even make sense to go back if there is no point in doing so? Luke gave me the money to cover my expenses, so I didn't have to incur any. If things didn't work out in the end, that would be a very serious problem for me. In the fall, even if my college bills were paid, Even if I had to work for Coffee House, they would still not have paid me enough to sustain myself. pay them," she smiled, her face beaming, "but you have such useful advice! I'm really eager to return." The idea of  She wanted to weep as she came back. I chuckled. She thought to herself, "Not everyone is as special as Luke," as she saw the light come in Donna's brown eyes. That is correct, isn't it?

"Is that accurate? Does Luke have a sibling named Dylan?My body tensed up as soon as my brother was mentioned. The last few months have not been kind to me regarding my brother, so I think it's about time that I find out. "Oh, Dylan, I thought he had said Luke had a brother." After pushing the money back into the register and closing the drawer, I thought, "Oh yeah, I may just be lucky after all." as I pushed back the cash into the register. He responded, "I'm up for a challenge." She told him that he was just like Luke, where he was ready for anything. she ignored him and gave him a pitying glance. I informed him as I leaned on the counter, "Yeah." Saying something like, "I never got angry with him," It won't be long until he departs.

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