Chapter 35.

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I was unable to see what was going on outside because the rain was beating on the windowpanes as I was standing in the living room. I was unable to see what was going on outside. Indeed, such was the sensation I had when I was in my own residence. As soon as I was standing on the tiled floor, I became acutely aware of the fact that I had failed to take them off my feet. I did not become aware of the fact that I had neglected to remove them until after the incident had already occurred. Upon seeing the picture that had been whitewashed reflected in the glass, I was so shocked that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ella was mentally reliving the scene in which she was walking away from me, weeping, and then walking directly into Levi.

She was doing this in her brain. I made an effort to cling on the railing, but the pain was so unbearable that I was unable to continue doing so. When I tried to get up, I stumbled up the steps and clutched to the railing for support as I made my way up higher. I eventually succeed in standing up. My chest clenched up in a horrific manner, and I let out a gasp as a natural response. As I struggled with every fiber of my being to maintain my life, my body grew inflexible. It was when I was carrying Levi that I dipped several of my most powerful medications in my palm and then drank them without water.

While I was carrying Levi, I carried out this action. Have you brought Levi with you? For a moment, I was curious about how he is doing over here. What exactly is wrong with me, if you could tell me? Where did I go wrong in my evaluation? You do realize that it was my fault that he was brought to this location, right? Would he be open to the idea of taking over the business? It was not his intention to do so. At that moment, there was yet another lightning strike occurring. After gently releasing my breath and then releasing my grasp on my thighs with a firm squeeze, I re-entered my hold and re-entered it once again. It was difficult for him to attain success in his endeavors. When it occurred once again, the anguish was so severe that it was comparable to lightning.

I discovered that my ideas were devoid of any content. Despite my best efforts, I was never able to understand why Levi was in the situation that I was in. Despite the fact that my mother had assured me that he would be there, he did not show up, and I had been committed to keeping my word. Regardless of the circumstances, I certainly must have overlooked something. In my opinion, the fact that I had broken things with Ella was a strong indicator that I had also done the same thing. I had broken things with her. It is reasonable to assume that she was aware that Henley would be coming to see me at my residence.

Would it be feasible for her to have access to the security system that I have just placed inside my home? In the case that I am unable to stop her from returning, where can I find a solution to stop her from coming back? Is there any way that I can be totally certain that she did not come back? If I were to set up monitoring, it would be done continuously during the day and night. Suddenly, I felt as if I were being shocked by lightning, and my fingernails started digging into my flesh. I shook my body in response to this sensation. When I saw the word "MOTHER" appear on the screen, I was under the notion that it was a cautionary message. She was unremarkable and usual when I answered the phone and said, "How are you doing?" she was very straightforward.

Should there have been any kind of problem, she would not have maintained such a level tone. It was her way of inquiring about my well-being. Trying to think of anything to say was a laborious process. This is me... "Luke, it's for your own good. Did you meet her yet? It sounds like she didn't know Ella came. My heart was racing, wondering why Levi had shown up, thinking he was not to leave. When I swallowed hard and tried to keep my voice up, I tried to keep in mind that she might not have known Levi had shown up. If she did know Levi had returned, I was unable to determine what she wanted from me. "What do you want from me?In no way should you address me in such a manner.

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