Chapter 24.

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An sudden shaking of the door to my bedroom was accompanied by a loud scream. Despite the fact that I heard someone yelling, the door did not move from its position. Even though I heard someone knock on the door, it did not move from its proper position. Even though Dylan was the one who knocked on the door, it remained unmoved. Dylan inquired, "Ella?" It is likely that Luke has given up. It was impossible for me to communicate with him since I was no longer able to see him, but the photograph of the gold watch that he wore on his right wrist is something that I will never forget. The fact that he had been pounding on my door for some time was something that I had not noticed until just lately.

said it had been a time-consuming endeavor for him to try to unlock it. After he left me at Lang's pub, I tried to calm myself down by taking a few deep breaths since my chest was starting to tighten again. However, I was unable to stop seeing his back of head despite my best efforts. In all likelihood, Luke would not be present. Considering that he was there on the night that my brother was arrested, I was aware that he would be around. In spite of the fact that my heart was pounding, I had to pay attention to Dylan. In addition to the fact that I did not want him to see me, I also did not want him to see me. Do you remember seeing Luke on the screen? Did you get the impression that it was Luke?

When I found out what had happened, I was terrified, especially if it had been Luke. If I had been aware of what had taken place, I would have been terrified to hear about it, particularly if Luke had been the one who had been involved. When I found out what had occurred that evening when I was in such a predicament, I was filled with panic. If it had been Luke, then in that scenario, he would have been aware of what had taken place, and the prospect of learning about it filled me with dread. It is quite likely that I would have been aware of what had taken place if Luke had been the one who had contacted me. If I had thought that Luke had done a crime and held my brother liable for it, it made me question if Luke would have recognized me before we met, even if it had been just a few months before.

My curiosity led me to question whether this was the only occasion on which he pondered doing so. I immediately reprimanded myself for having that thinking in the first place. "Ella?" Ylan inquired one more once more. I told myself, "Stop it," and I did. In my opinion, I am not capable of thinking in such way. Every single thing was a lie designed to trick me. Was it the intention of this entire thing to deceive me? It was not necessary for my brother to be a criminal in order for him to steal and destroy a car since he looked like other people. In an effort to conceal my ears, I positioned cushions such that they were covering my head. However, I should have known that Troy was fundamentally drunk and that Luke was affluent, given that Dylan's father was a lawyer. I should have anticipated that Luke was wealthy.

It is imperative that I go back to Lang's. I would be the one to learn where to look at the other videos, but Troy would not be able to do so since he was unaware of who Luke was. However, I am required to investigate them. Where do we go from here? Suppose we found out that he was leaving at the same time as Troy, what would I do in such situation? Do I need to file a report with the police? In reference to Luke? Considering how much I cared about Luke, I would never do it. It was imperative that I apprehend someone, but without a doubt, I did not want Luke to be their target. Due to the fact that I had kissed the idiot, I wanted to avoid it.

Despite the fact that I needed to locate someone, Luke was the last person I were interested in finding. Despite my best efforts to get out of bed, I approached the door with trepidation since I was so reluctant to engage in conversation with anybody. I quickly closed and shut the door after Donna had entered, and I nodded, picking my side as I often do. The door was barely open as I spoke, and it only allowed Donna's little shape to pass through it when I added, "Only Donna." I quickly closed and shut it up after she had entered. She said, "What happened to Luke?" and I gulped before I could continue. "Ella, let Donna in at least. She is tired." "What happened to Luke?" she asked. I took a deep breath as I became aware of my voice becoming shaky and she inquired, "What did Luke do?"

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