Chapter 21.

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While I was frantically searching for the bathroom, Donna was gently massaging my shoulders in a calming manner, and Luke was gazing at me with a disheartened expression on his face. However, I said to myself, "It appears that I am going to throw up." When I understood that his intent gaze was aimed at me, I did not feel threatened by it. It was obvious that my face was pale, and it felt both hot and cold. A frightening squeezing of my insides caused me to take a deep breath. If you feel the need to heave up, please do so in a discrete manner and in private. "I'll make sure I aim for your shoes." I cast a suspicious look in her direction. An individual was able to glimpse the nose of a Boeing through the big glass wall that was there at the airport.

"You guys look so cute together," Donna said in response, with a grin. Second, it is a term that has a lot of problems. Due to the fact that this is the truth, I believe that happy couples do not dispute all the time about things. When my feelings for Luke began to develop, I realized that I could confide in Donna about everything. On the other hand, she did simply mention that she had been aware for some time that I had feelings for him. In a few minutes, I anticipated that she would point out to me that I was completely insane and that everything I was doing with him was something that I enjoyed doing. When I look at Luke's face now, I can't help but feel furious since I just ended up parting ways with him, which was one of those decisions that didn't make any sense in the end. At the moment when Dona jolted me out of my thoughts, I was going through a difficult period.

She answered in a measured manner, "You are correct." "Why do people think that?" Then, with a sigh of embarrassment, she smiled back. A groan came from her mouth. "It's tougher than I imagined." A grin was returned by me. I came to the realization that it was a dumb idea to make such a claim out loud after I really said it. Having said that, you should be aware that fictional characters often flirt by fighting. If we weren't flawed, there wouldn't be any writing that is worth reading. "Writers are messed up." If you want to avoid missing our flight, you might consider using the toilet and taking some medication to calm your nerves. That is absolutely right. It was Luke who nearly shoved a little lunch down my throat this morning, which caused me to feel nauseated once again and compelled me to run to the bathroom in order to flush it down. On our flight, I grabbed my water bottle in an attempt to take some narcotics and knock myself asleep. I eventually succeeded.

Immediately after dropping Donna and me off at Luke's house, Dylan came back to catch up with me. He brought the magazines that he had purchased at the airport bookstore in a bag that he carried with him. In the time that we were waiting to board the plane, my ears started to fill with blood, my pulse continued to race, and I prayed that the medicine would start to take action. After we boarded the airplane, I noticed that my hands were beginning to sweat, and the situation grew much more miserable. That being said, I am happy that Luke chose to seat us in first class; if I hadn't been feeling well, I would have definitely rolled my eyes because of the situation. My feelings for Donna were overflowing with affection. She gripped me firmly the whole time, and I did not see anybody crying out in fear. "Over here, Ella," Luke said to me as we made our way down the narrow hallway that ran through the cabin. Due to the fact that it was more quiet, no one would have seen my panic attack.

During the time that he was carrying my carry-on bags, I looked out the window and became aware of how far we had already traveled together. I held her in so much esteem. Despite the fact that I had only just managed to get into the air, it did not seem as if I would be able to survive this. I took a seat, and I was gently assisted into it. Luke then moved between Donna and me in order to ensure that I would not be able to make it out of this place alive. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally was able to glance up and saw him pointing to the seats on the other side of the aisle and saying, "I've booked the wrong seats for you by mistake." In light of the fact that I am unable to exchange seats, Dylan will be required to sit next to you. "What is it? Do you need that she sit next to me? Complaining was something I wanted to do on occasion, but I also wanted to keep my mouth shut since I was aware that complaining would demonstrate a lack of maturity.

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