Chapter 15.

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When Luke slid his phone over the table to hand it to me, I was sitting in Luke's kitchen going through rental ads. I was looking at many different properties. During our time spent looking through the various apartment postings on the internet, the two of us came across the ad for a home that included three bedrooms and two bathrooms. When I informed Dylan about the circumstance, he laughed and offered to assist me in finding a new apartment while I was looking for one. I replied to him with the most unfavorable expression I could muster:

"Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, only two thousand dollars a month." In addition to obtaining a copy of Luke's most famous photographs, he also received a couple of other things. Coffee was provided to us, and some of our photographs were taken, which made me smile. I glared at the phone, certain that the embarrassing photographs were the answer. Dylan squeezed his lips and murmured, "Let's keep it under 1,000." "You will not be able to get anything good under 1,000." "Should we clarify what good means to us? "I grumbled, tugging Dylan's phone toward me.He appeared unfazed by my wrath at all. I am not suggesting that you hunt for an elaborate apartment that has several stories; rather, I am only advising you not to purchase anything simply because it is inexpensive.

Take a look around your apartment. Keep in mind that anything that isn't entirely broken down will definitely cost a decent amount of money, so go for something that is more expensive. Although it was annoying to know that he was right, it was also infuriating. Obtaining a respectable apartment was a possibility with this information. money belonging to Luke, but there was also a trace of terror in the air. a significant financial commitment on a monthly basis. What happens if it goes beyond what is reasonable? and the agreement expires? Finally, Dylan rolled his button-up sleeves up to his elbows. I watched him ramblingly as he sat up more straight in his chair, removed his suit vest, and said, "Statistically speaking, one-third of your income should go towards your housing expenses."

My gaze was locked on his, but I looked away swiftly. It seems reasonable to use the remaining funds for gasoline, food, and other necessities. What do you rent? How am I aware of that? Do you rent a place?He leased, of course, and after that he gave back his phone and stated, "I just purchased some the properties that I want to rent out to other people. The belief is mine. is a prudent investment; with that being said, I would want to verify that they accessible to all persons. "What is the total number of properties that you own?Having gotten down on my knees, I looked at the table, which was frigid, and said, "I have ten."

When I found out how drastically different their lives were from one another, I was left in a state of incredulity since the variety of subjects that he addressed in each of his lessons was so strikingly diverse. Dylan was apologized to for giving the impression that I was Under the table, I was murmuring, but I was able to discover a couple of excellent properties in the area at a wonderful price, and he indicated that I was not able to purchase them. Both of these houses were in the neighborhood. I was unable to crash the table into the wall, despite my desire to do so.

"I am more than happy to assist, as I am considering purchasing a few properties around here in the future," I remarked to him after giving him a thumbs up and said, "I am more than happy to assist." Poughkeepsie and Arlington," I said, "Well, I'll do all that's within my ability." to be of assistance," I said. My ears pricked up as I heard the words, "Well, I would be pleased to help." awoke, and I gently lifted my head to my full height. Due to the fact that Dylan has informed me about these, I am more than pleased to assistance. I would be more than happy to make you an offer if in fact they were lucrative.

According to what he described to me, I would ensure that you were informed if they were lucrative. He appeared to have a fantastic sense of humor, and he stated, "You can tell everyone you know how awesome of a landlord I am, as long as you tell them so." If I were to rent from this landlord, I would believe that it would be an excellent rental property. This is particularly true since I believed that he was incredibly trustworthy. It wouldn't be too much of a problem to have a landlord like that. He indicated his agreement with a nod and said, "It is still a good idea for me to find a Dylan." In terms of becoming the lawyer that he wants me to be, I have no idea what he is talking about. he said, "Does your mother know?"

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