Björn saving you from abuse.

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a/n: mentions/description of abuse.


A chilly winter air had struck Kattegat. The white clouds had been holding the sun captive behind them all day. The King and his family were all wearing thick furs and cloaks as they walked outside. The farmers had more simple clothing as the slaves had the same ones they wore in the summer if they had bad luck.

You wore a thinner dress and a thin cloak as you walked through the village. The wind easily engulfed your body as your hands were occupied with two empty buckets. You had been sent to shore to get some water. Your back ached as you bent over slightly to place the buckets in the sand.

Your eyes nervously roamed around the shore and a sigh left your lips as you didn't see a single living soul there with you. The wind hugged your body again however this time to quickly gripped the cloak, trying to create some kind of warmth. Your eyes were set on the ocean, the water being pushed up on the shore violently by the wind.

"Y/N! You lazy slave where are you?!" A loud roar was heard over the sound of the waves. Your eyes widen before quickly filling the buckets with water. You feet sunk down in the sand as you carried the heavy buckets.

"There you are you useless slave girl!" Henrik, my care taker said. About five years ago, my mother passed away from the plague as my father died while accompanied Ragnar on his raid in England. Henrik knew my parents and back then he was a kind older man. However time had set its trails. Now he was always drunk and violent.

"I-I'm sorry," You stuttered before walking past him and towards the door. As you walked past him he roughly placed his hand on your neck and pushed you inside his home. You fell to your hands and knees which scraped your tender skin. The water spilled to the floor and he cursed.

"You can't do anything right can you?" Henrik yelled before taking a strong hold of your messy hair. A yelp left your lips as he pulled you to your feet and kicking a now empty bucket. Tears filled your eyes from the sharp grip.

You stood back up on your feet, your heart beated hard in your chest as your body shook from fear. You never got used to his actions. His foul language, constant bad smell, inappropriate behavior and the way he always humiliated you infront of others. It hurt and that other people didn't say anything hurt even more. You had seen the looks you got from the other farmers. Their pity filled their eyes but they never said a word.

Henrik looked at you with disgust in his eyes. With his eyes on you his hand gripped the door. As the door flew close a foot got in the way. You gulped as you looked at the foot in the door. The door soon opened and your eyes widen in surprise. You bow down a bit when you saw Björn Ironside standing there. Gluing your eyes at the ground.

"Is there a problem here?" Björn asked and his voice was low and raspy. You looked up a bit a saw his eyes move between the two of you. Henrik chuckled as he shook his head.

"No problems at all prince," Henrik said with a light tone in his voice.

"It sure sounded like it," Björn said and Henrik shook his head. Björn stepped inside, his heavy boots made contact with the wooden floor. You saw Björn take a look in your direction before stepping closer to Henrik.

"What have you done to her?" Björn asked sternly after a while. Henrik gulped nervously before shaking his head. Soon Björn's fist made contact with Henriks face making you gasp. Blood made it way from his nose as he whined in pain. Tears wet his cheeks are he pleaded for mercy.

"I-I," Henrik tried.

"You don't lay a finger on a woman. She will leave this hut now and never return. You won't ever speak to her again let alone touch her. You understand?" Björn said in a warning tone. His voice was low, dangerously low. Henrik nodded his head quickly. Björn straighten his posture before looking at you. You nodded before leaving the hut.

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