Arceus -Tea-

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"Where is it?! Where is my white sun dress?!" I yelled for something to wear at my crush's tea party.

I know, weird right? Why would my crush, a full grown man be having a tea party? Well he wanted some time alone with me (SQUEEE!!) so I obliged and told him I would be right over. But now I can't find my darn dress!

Looking at the back of my closet, I found it. Hastily putting it on and doing my makeup i rush downstairs to my car. Getting in, I pull out of my driveway, leaving my mansion in the dust.

Time skip

"Yes!" I scream, getting to his driveway. He is outside waiting for me. As he sees me pull in, he waves.

"Hey Y/N! Glad you could make it." he says.

"Hey Arceus!" I say.

We then walk to his backyard, where a table full of sweets were nicely arranged. Sitting down, I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and munched on it.

Arceus poured me some tea and we sat and were in silence until he wanted to talk about some Pokemon that get into his garden and make him want to destroy them.

"But Arceus, if you do that, you aren't being a very good god..." I trail off.

" yeah you're right Y/N, I shouldn't do that. Hehe" he said.

We talked a little more about Pokemon and other nature related things, me just listening and staring dreamy at him.

Another time skip

Looking at the time, I realized it was time for me to go. We both stood up when I tripped over my dress and landed on top of Arceus.

Opening my eyes, I see that we were now kissing. Blushing heavily, I sat up and started to ramble on until Arceus said something that for my attention.

"Y/N, I didn't mind that kiss, for I have been in love with you for the longest time. This tea party was to confess to you. I want to know if you would be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I love you! Yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" I shouted.

Picking me up and setting me down, he took me to my car, where we parted with a gentle kiss.

I drove home thinking about my new boyfriend and what would happen next for us.


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