Vigoroth -Mall Disaster-

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Your POV

Today has been exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband. But you would think after 6 months of being married and 4 years of dating I would be used to his hyperactive nature. My soul mate was part of the pokehuman epidemic. His Pokémon, Vigoroth. Now, I could deal with Vigoroth as a Pokémon, but as a human, that's asking way too much of me.

All I wanted was to get a smoothie and roam around the mall with my hubby, but I guess that is too much to ask of the world. I decided to take my chances anyways.


Grabbing some extra money, I opened my wallet and shoved it in the correct pocket. Clenching my purse, I checked everything was in there. My wallet, house keys, and other materials were all in check, now all that was missing was my husband and Pokémon.

Spotting my belt on the counter, I grabbed it and fastened it on around my waist, making sure all 5 pokeballs were tightly secured.

Hand on the door handle, I decided to speak up.

"Honey! I am going to the mall and would love it if you would come along. It would be a great way to spend time together and burn off some energy." I shouted throughout the house. There was a slight pause before I heard a door slam shut and saw my husband practically tripping down the stairs in his excitement.

Laughing slightly, I grabbed his hand and we exited the house. I quickly locked the door before taking his hand again and walking towards town.

I didn't want to walk a long ways so we took the bus. The bus pulled up and we got on after paying.

The bus was packed so we had to stand. The whole time I felt Viggy shaking in excitement.

The ride seemed to take forever, but I'm sure it was just my nerves. At long last, we arrived at the mall.

I walked through the automatic doors with my childish husband in tow, skipping along while humming a melody. I pulled him to my side and grabbed onto his arm, holding on like a....Slakoth.

People stared at us. Of course, I don't blame them. A calm woman walking with a bouncing manchild is bound to draw attention. Pushing the thought aside, I decided that getting my smoothie was the first stop we should make. Spotting a small cafe, I pulled Vigoroth towards it. The smell of fresh fruit and pastries hit me as we entered the cafe. I picked out a table and told Viggy to sit there. 

"Honey, I'm going to order a Pecha berry smoothie, what would you like?" I asked my lover.

He seemed to think for a moment before happily grinning and bouncing around, giving me his answer. 

"Well I wasn't going to get anything, but now that you mention it, I could go for a extra sugary pokepuff."

Oh Arceus, if I had learned anything about him, it was that he never mixed well with any sugar. I pondered this in my head for a while before deciding, 'fuck it', kissing his head before making my way to the line of people ordering. 

My mind wandered and I was snapped back into reality when I heard, "Next!".

Reaching for my wallet, I smiled at the lady taking my order.

"What would you like today, Ma'am?" she asked nicely, giving a bright smile in return. 
"Yes, I would like a Pecha berry smoothie and an extra sugary pokepuff please." I ordered.

She kept a smile but I saw how she glanced at my husband at the word pokepuff. Paying no mind to that, I waited for her to get my items.

"That will be 200 pokedollars Ma'am." she said. Nodding quickly, I handed over the money. I put my wallet back into my purse and grabbed the food items, heading towards our table. 

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