Bill Cipher -Offensive-

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Your POV
I know what you're thinking, how did I get the all powerful Bill Cipher, dream demon, to bend to my will. Easy, it was really an accident.
Obviously, he travels between dimensions. What he didn't anticipate was accidentally teleporting into my world, the world of Pokémon.

Now that he's here though, I wanted to better accustom him to my world.

Speak of the devil, or rather the demon, and he shall appear. Perfect timing I must say.

A weird sound was heard behind me. Turning my body, I was met face to face with my boyfriend, shocking, I know. Glaring at his triangle form, I decided to mess around.

"Bill..." I started, trailing off. I stepped closer before pulling him into my arms. I smothered him to my chest. If he was human, he would have been suffocated. His little stick arms and legs flailed about, trying to free himself to no avail. Finally pulling away, I held him at arms length.

"Sweetie, could you please turn into your human form?" His one eye glared at me before blinking slowly. A bright flash was seen and I was dragged down by a sudden weight. Once the light faded, I found myself on the floor with a man on top of me.

Bill was dressed in a yellow tailcoat with a brick batter, a yellow button down shirt with black dress pants and shoes. I expected no less from the fashion fiend. He turned his gaze towards me before laughing at our position. Looking down, I noticed what he found humorous.

He was laying on his side, covering me. His one eye, the other covered by a black triangular eyepatch, lit up. "Well, look who's being smothered now my dear."

Hoping to wipe the smug look off of his face, I pushed him off roughly. Just as expected, he laughed as his face met the hard wood floor.
"Nice try dear, but pain is hilarious." I deadpanned at him before shaking my head, a small smile on my lips.

I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door. He gave me a questioning look, waiting for me to explain. "Bill, I want to show you more of my world and the creatures that inhabit it."

As I put on my belt, poke balls clipped to it, he spoke slowly. "You mean the 'pokemans?" I looked at him, shaking my head. "Close enough" I murmured. Grabbing my purse, I held his hand and pulled him out of the house. I swiftly locked my door before guiding him to the woods.

I quickly found a clearing, praise Arceus. "I want to show you Pokémon, and what better way than to show you my own." I explained. He gave a grin, slightly menacing.

Ignoring that, I grabbed my first poke ball. Noticing the faint scratches, I smirked. Throwing it in the air, a white light flashed before materializing into my Pokémon's shape.


Bill ran towards him, poking and prodding. This earned him a bite to the arm, blood streaming down. He began laughing, confusing the Pokémon. Suddenly, his wounds healed, leaving no trace of the bite.

I decided to step in and explain, knowing that my other Pokémon could hear despite being in their balls.

"This is Bill, my boyfriend. He's not from here so he's never seen Pokémon before. I wanted to get him used to them so I'm introducing you to him. He's a little strange but please refrain from hurting him." Druddigon gave an exasperated sigh before growling with a nod.

Satisfied with his answer, I pulled him close. Motioning for Druddigon to come closer, I gestured towards my belt.

"Which one do you think we should show next?" He pointed towards the poke ball on the very end. Leaning closer, I whispered in his ear.

Nodding slightly, he picked another ball. Grabbing it, I repeated the same process. Once again, a blinding white light shown as my Pokémon appeared.

My midnight form Lycanroc came, staggering towards Bill. He sniffed him, jowls bared before remembering my warning. He swayed his way over to me before stopping. He nuzzled me, reaching only to my stomach. Reaching down, I stroked his mane.

Picking him up slightly, I embraced him before he squirmed. Setting him down, he ran off to play with Druddigon.

"Bill, which one do you want next?" He turned towards me, previously looking at the two playing around. He looked closely before selecting one. Popping it off my belt, I released it.

Rapidash stood majestically in all her glory. Bill ran towards her, grabbing her fire. Burns appeared on his hands before disappearing. She trotted her way to my, mane flaring. I stroked her, hands grazing the fire. To Bill's amazement, I sustained no injuries.

His mouth was open, eyes darting between her mane and my hands, scorch free. Snickering, I decided to clear up the confusion. "When Rapidash sees you as a trainer and forms a strong bond, her fire won't burn you." This being said, I left out the part where I got burned when training her and catching her.
He slightly glared at her, having read my mind. His palms blazed with blue fire, startling her. His eyes were daggers, holding an unspoken warning.

I could tell he was amazed. Rapidash whinnied before galloping around the open field. Looking at my belt, I had one more poke ball left, the best for last. "Bill, this one is special, would you like to release him?"

His eye lit up, wonder in them. "But before you do," I started, "could you turn into your real form?" I asked, thinking of his dorito form. He scowled but obeyed, not before giving me one last kiss.

His human body fizzled out, a small triangle replacing it. My Pokémon looked confused until I gestured towards the remaining poke ball. They gave their own forms of laughs before getting comfortable, ready to watch. I handed him the poke ball. His tiny fingers held it. Looking towards me, I gave him a nod. He seemed to have remembered how I threw the previous poke balls as he did it perfectly.

The white light faded out, leaving a triangle form. Bill's eyes held confusion as he circled around the Pokémon. "Snorunt!" The Pokémon called out, small snowflakes floating around him. Bill's eye caught mine, his filled with slight anger, mine with amusement.

"WHat iS tHIs!" He demanded, his voice booming in certain places. I gave a laugh, body shaking as I struggled to hold up my form. Once I caught my breath, I answered him. "This is Snorunt, the Snow hat Pokémon. He looks like you!" I cheered.

The atmosphere darkened, black swirls appearing. Snorunt freaked out before sending a flurry of snow at Bill. He completely decimated it with his fire, blue flames flaring.

Snorunt began to shake, running to his behind me. Lunging forward, I captured the angry dorito in my arms. I once again smothered him, waiting for him to calm down.

It seemed like an eternity, when it was only a few minutes in reality. Once he stilled, I let go. His red form faded into his usual yellow, indicating his change.

Giving a little chuckle, I looked towards Snorunt. "Hehe, isn't he cute?"

Bill's eye pierced mine before crinkling at the corners. Something of a smile appeared on his eye. He once again turned into his human form, dapper as ever.

I laced his hand with him, using my other hand to point to my poke balls. My Pokémon returned to their ball just as I had taught them, so well trained.

As we left the clearing, back down the path towards home, I spoke in a soft voice.

"So, what did you think?" He turned his head towards me, pupils holding love.

"(Y/N), it was very offensive." He spoke before capturing my lips in a kiss. I savored the moment, his words ringing in my ears.

I'm glad he appeared here, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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