Gallade -Jealous-

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Your POV

I was normally really secure in my relationships with people. May is my best friend. Drew is my grasshead bratty cousin. Ash is my friend and so are the rest of the gang. And Gallade is my loving boyfriend of 5 months and my former pokemon of 10 years. I found Gallade when he was a little Ralts, all alone in the woods. I have reason to believe he knew Max's Ralts but never found out for sure. I took him with me and we have been together ever since. About 2 years ago, the Pokehuman epidemic struck and Gallade was one of the victims. At first, I was upset. Gallade was my strongest pokemon. He still could use moves, but most people didn't allow pokehumans to fight in battles. It progressed from there and now he's my boyfriend. Enough of that.

I have been starting to doubt my relationship with him. Sure, we've been together for over 12 years, but most of those were when he was a pokemon. I have no idea how he feels about me as his own self, a human. The only sort of love I have him up until recently was the owner type of love. It is not bad to be in a relationship with a former pokemon, it just isn't common. And of course with that, comes all of the above. When we go out in public, people immediately see his green hair. Looks of unease are sent my way, even some looks of hatred and disgust. But I decided to look past that and move on with my day.

Today I came up with the great idea to head over to the waterpark and have a relaxation day, just my friends, pokemon, boyfriend and I. I had already told Gallade my plan as well as my friends. Some of my friends were busy, but the ones that agreed to come were May, Max, Ash, Brock, Drew, Solidad, and Harley, believe it or not. Yes, I managed to befriend the eccentric grape headed (MINORU MINETA!!!) man. Nowadays, May, Solidad, Drew, and Harley get along, if I'm there.

Grabbing my beach tote, I called for Gallade. He came down and we went out the door, making sure to lock it. Gallade walked over to the car and opened the door for me, like a true gentleman. I giggled and got into the driver's seat, him into the passengers seat. I started the car and we headed to the beach. All the way to the beach, insecurities filled my head, all about my relationship.

Pushing that away, I realized that we had arrived. I parked in a parking space and grabbed the bag. Gallade once again opened the door and I got out. I locked the car and we headed onto the sand.

It wasn't hard to spot my group. I mean honestly, green hair, purple hair with a cacturne outfit, pink hair, yeah, they really stood out. Running up to them, I carelessly dropped my bag before tacking Drew in a hug. We fell to the ground, covered in sand, but I couldn't care less. I was laughing hysterically, while Drew didn't share the same amusement. When he realized who it was, he shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. I got off of him and helped him up. I then went around and hugged everyone there, saying greetings and such. Solidad helped me set up my area to sit on.

I decided I wanted to play in the water, we could catch up with each other later. "Guys! Let out your pokemon, we're going in the water!" I yelled.

May, Max, Ash and I all cheered. May and I were quick to take off our coverups. Harley complained about getting his hair wet, to which I sighed. I gave puppy eyes to the rest and they eventually gave in. By this time, Gallade had arrived and just agreed to my idea straight away. I swore I could hear someone say 'whipped' under their breath but I wasn't sure.

Forgetting about that, I quickly released my pokemon, the others doing the same. Out came my team of lovely friends. I had a bit of an attraction towards 'scary' things, thus represented by my loyal team. Honestly, this didn't go how I wanted it to. Giratina was the first one to come out, and he frightened everybody. Everyone at the beach froze in the moment. To convince them he was fine and a calm boi, I called him down to my level. He spotted me immediately and nuzzled me gently, careful not to hurt me. This somewhat calmed people's nerves and they cautiously went back to what they were doing. Sweatdropping at this, the rest of my team decided to make an appearance. Out popped my Banette, Drifblim, Skuntank, Blaziken, and Golisopod. To my disappointment, people looked disgusted by my Golisopod. Knowing how sensitive the big baby was, I gave him a hug before glaring at the other beach goers.

Pokemon x reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora