Snivy -Clumsy-

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Normal POV

y/n walked down the street with her boyfriend Snivy and her Gardevoir out to keep her from hurting herself.  Seeing an ice cream parlor, she quickly changed course, tripping on who knows what and coming crashing down to the concrete below. Using psychic, Gardevoir stopped her fall and uprighted her clumsy owner.
"Y/n you need to be more careful." Sighed Snivy, a disapproving look on his face.

"But Snivy I wanted to go the the parlor and get some ice cream." Y/n protested.

"I know sweetie but you must be more careful." Snivy gave in with a smile.

And with that the trio walked into the parlor and sat down to order. Snivy and y/n got vanilla ice cream and Gardevoir got some pokebean ice cream. As y/n was leaning in for a bite of the cold treat, she fell and her face went towards the ice cream. Luckily, Gardevoir used psychic and stopped the potential accident.

"Y/n what did I say earlier," scolded Snivy.

Wringing her hands, y/n replied, "You told me to be more careful, but I wasn't walking this time so it doesn't count!"

Shaking his head, Snivy finished his ice cream and waited for the other two to be done.

Time skip

The gang was now home, and y/n's Gardevoir was making lunch. Y/n was asleep, laying on her Altaria as a pillow. Snivy was doing the same thing, but laying on y/n's stomach instead of Altaria.

"Y/n, I love you, and I really want you to be safe. So please try, for me." Snivy cooed.

"I will, my love." Y/n replied, kissing her boyfriend's nose before falling asleep in the arms of her beloved.

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