Dragonair -Stickers and Decorations-

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This isn't as much of a certain Pokémon as it is of a whole team so...proceed

Your POV

So, my team's pokeballs are boring and plain and I am having trouble see who's ball is whos. My solution to solve this problem is simple. Quickly going into my bedroom side drawer, I pull out a giant pack of stickers.

Laying out my team's pokeballs on my bed, I open the stickers and grab the first pokeball I see.

"Who is in this one?" I mutter to myself.

'The only way to know is to let them out.' I think, then throwing the pokeball in the air, anxious to see who would come out.

"Leafeon! Leaf! Leafeon!" Cries out my green friend.

Scratching behind his ears, I tell him my plan.

He nods in understanding, letting me put him back into the pokeball and shaking in excitement.

Looking through the stickers, I find some that work perfectly.

I finally select a tree sticker, flower sticker, and bush sticker. Grabbing Leafeon's pokeball, I stick the tree sticker above the button, the flower sticker on the top red half, and the bush sticker on the bottom white half. I then put his pokeball into my bag.

Now it was time to move on to the next Pokémon. Grabbing another pokeball, I threw it into the air, releasing my Vikavolt.

I once again explained what I was doing and then returned her.

For Vikavolt, I have selected a lightening bolt sticker and a bug sticker.

Placing the stickers onto her pokeball, I then set it into my bag with Leafeon's ball.

Clutching my third pokeball, I repeated the process. I threw it onto my floor, calling out my trusty starter, Blaziken.

"Hey buddy, I only released you to see who you were. Could you please go into your ball? I have a surprise for you when I'm done." I said softly, stroking his soft plumage.

"Blaze, Blaziken!" He calls, nodding before returning into his ball.

For my trusty starter Blaziken, I stick on a heart sticker, fire sticker, and a chicken sticker, then placing his ball into my bag.

Grabbing my fourth pokeball, I release my Gardevoir. She looks at my questioningly.

"Garde? Gardevoir?" She asks, head tilted to the side.

"Honey, please go back into your ball, I have a surprise for you and the rest of my team when I am done."

She crosses her arms, nods solemnly, and returns in a flash of red light.

Looking at my sticker pad, I pull out a brain sticker, heart sticker, and wings sticker for fairy type.

Placing her ball into my bag, I already knew who my final Pokémon was.

Holding the final pokeball, I place a heart sticker and raindrop sticker onto the top red half of the ball.

Releasing Dragonair, I bounce on my heels excitedly, waiting for him to be released.

A blue light came out, then the form of my boyfriend came out.

"Babe! You will never believe what I just finished doing!" I squeal, running into Dragonair's open arms, cuddling into his chest.

"Whatever it is, I'm just happy to be with you." He coos softly, stroking my hair.

Grabbing my bag and my boyfriend's hand, I pull him outside onto the lawn.

Looking at the stickers, I throw and release Leafeon, Gardevoir, Blaziken, and Vikavolt. The reason I don't have a final Pokémon is because I haven't found the right partner yet.

"Guys, this is the surprise!" I call over my team, showing them their pokeballs all decked out with stickers.

They all cry out their names, happily jumping around me and Dragonair. He looks at me in awe, dumbfounded that I did all of that.

"I can't believe you did all of this for us!" He says awestruck.

"Of course I would, I love you all, also, I didn't know who's ball was whos so it helps haha." I say, scratching at the back of my neck.

"It doesn't matter the reason, all that matters is that we're together." Dragonair says, grabbing me and planting a soft kiss onto my lips.

We then spent the day cuddling with my team around us.

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