Mightyena -Types-

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Normal POV
Y/n and Mightyena were sitting on the couch in the den when Mightyena jumped up, and dragging y/n outside onto the road with trainers to battle.

"Y/n, we haven't battled in a while and I really want to battle. Can we please battle some people, we can also get money from this." Mightyena exclaimed.

Nodding, y/n took out her other poke balls and had Mightyena step up first.
The opponent was a human Caterpie. Mightyena growled slightly at the type disadvantage but got into his fighting stance, waiting for his trainer and girlfriend to call out a move to use.

"Use sucker punch!" Yelled y/n

Nodding his head, Mightyena collided with that boi.

The other trainer called out to use string shot to slow down Mightyena.
Mightyena dodged the string shot, narrowed his eyes, and saw the eye signal from y/n. Mightyena then used fire fang, knocking the human Caterpie out.

y/n smiled, showing her pearly whites. The other trainer sent out a Alakazam. Y/n winced at the bad choice of pokemon for the battle, but continued on.

Mightyena looked at the opponent.

"Use sucker punch again!" called y/n

Mightyena smiled, showing his canines, and launched at the Alakazam. The Alakazam tried to block, but got hit. Because it was a dark type move, the Alakazam fainted, leaving Mightyena the only one on the battle field. He knocked that motherfucker out!

Y/n cheered out, blowing kisses to her lover. Mightyena caught the kisses, and then looked to the last opponent of the match.

For his last pokemon, the trainer sent out a Sylveon. Mightyena shuddered, knowing the type disadvantage, but bared his teeth and awaited the directions.

Sylveon went first, using fairy wind and getting a critical hit on Mightyena. Mightyena was knocked back and hit the ground on his back. Eyes red, he got back up slowly, soon towering over the Sylveon.

"Alright Mightyena, use ice fang!" y/n demanded.

Giving an insane smile, Mightyena flung himself at the Sylveon, clamping down on her with his canines, damaging her and taking most of her hp.

Not out yet, Sylveon used quick attack, taking most of Mightyena's hp.

Y/n cringed at her situation, then decided that if she used ice fang one more time, Sylveon would be out, and she and her lover would win the battle.

"One more ice fang, Mightyena!" commanded y/n

Smirking, Mightyena once again ran at Sylveon, suddenly making contact with her, causing her eyes to become swirls, indicating that he had won the battle.

Collecting the money, y/n then ran to her boyfriend, spraying him with a max potion, and flinging herself into his arms.

Y/n walked home with her boyfriend, with a smile. As a reward, y/n cooked Mightyena's favorite food, steak, and they lived happily ever after...

Until Mightyena got into a fight at a bar, but that doesn't matter right now.

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