Lucario -Noob-

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I realized I never gave my bb Lucario a wholesome oneshot so here we are

Your POV
I knew what Pokémon were, who doesn't. I was aware of their existence, that was all that could really be sad. All my life, my overprotective parents stayed true to their title. Playing outside? Unsafe! Pets? A danger to a child, even as an adult they were watching my every move.

Friends would come and go, often losing interest after learning of my lack of Pokémon. This peaked my interest even more. Just what were these mysterious creatures and why did everyone love them so much?


Checking the calendar, I ran through my plan in my head.

Date: 5th
Parents would come over on the 8th. That gives me 3 days plus today to escape outside. Grabbing my purse, I crept towards the front door. I laid a cautious hand on the knob before twisting it. Yanking the door open, I lunged outside. A cool breeze filled the air and created goosebumps on my delicate skin.

After locking my door, I set my destination to town. Usually, I made my pass on the Pokémon free area for people wanting to have safe travels. This time however, I would go through the forest.

Mind you, without a Pokémon to defend me, I was inevitably doomed from the start...

My vision started to cross over when I snapped back to attention. The dirt path covering the grassy floor kept getting longer and longer, I swear it! Strange noises were heard left and right, shiver running down my back. I heard the sound of scuttling feet, my head whipping around to find the source. My pace quickened but that wasn't enough. Before I knew it, I was laying on the ground flat on my back.

My eyes opened slowly and I was met with the most petrifying sight. A large green monster with large jaws was glaring down at me. My mouth opened and a shrill scream escaped my quivering lips.

This aggravated the creature further, now lunging its mouth at my frozen form. My pupils dilated in fear as the beast moved closer. Just as I thought it would be all over, the weight was lifted off of me.

I could hear aggressive shuffling sounds, almost as if someone was punching a pillow. Hesitantly opening one eye, I saw a cute guy. The beast lay defeated on the ground, swirls replacing its eyes.

A gloved hand was pushed into my line of sight. Placing my left hand in the gloves one, I was pulled to my feet. Averting my gaze from the creature, my (E/C) orbs locked with crimson ones.

"Thank you for saving me." I said, voice meek and shy. The boy studied me for a moment before replying. "You're welcome, Miss. How did you end up in that situation? Why didn't you use your Pokémon?" His Stern but caring voice asked. Confusion was evident on my soft features.

'Pokémon? Is that what the strange monster is?'

My face must have openly expressed my startled state as he spoke once more. "Miss, do you not have any Pokémon?" I shook my head side to side. The boy sighed deeply before leading me to a nearby stump.

And thus began my history lesson.


"So you're telling me that the beast you knocked out was a... a uh...oh! A Carnivine! And if I had a Pokémon, I could have battled it and caught it? A-and you are a Lucario!"

The boy gave a quick nod. I feel like he was amazed at how little I knew. Why had my parents kept this from me? This is amazing!

It was around this time that the newly named Carnivine began to stir. As if instinctively, my arms wrapped around the boy's bicep, clutching it to my chest. It was almost as if I needed reassuring.

The Pokémon stumbled up, looking around, before it's eyes landed on us.

It made a beeline towards the stump and I let out a small shriek. Shoving my face into the bluenette's neck, I was startled by a soft touch on my back.

Removing my face from Lucario's neck, I saw a leafy arm holding my back. My eyes raked up the appendage, stopping on the rest of the Pokémon.

"Car-carni. Carnivine! Carni!" The Pokémon exclaimed, nuzzling into me slightly. The leafy texture tickled me neck as I let out a giggle.

The Carnivine took this as a good sign and plopped down beside us. I enjoyed this, but something still confused me. "Why did you attack me?" I asked the plant creature. It gave a sad and forlorn look before turning its attention towards Lucario.

"Carni! Carnivine vine!" It motioned with its "hands". To my surprise, Lucario understood it.

Said male turned to look at me, mouth forming a smirk before speaking. "Carnivine here smelled flowers and wanted to get a closer look. Carnivine uses her scent to attract prey with sweet aromas."

As unsettling as it was to hear about the prey part, I overlooked it. "Oh! I used lavender shampoo and body wash, that must have been what you smelled!" I concluded. The giant Pokémon shrugged, instead nuzzling closer. "Carnivine says he wants to go with you." Lucario stated.

'Go with me? Go where?' I was puzzled. "W-where would we go?" I asked. Lucario gave me an exasperated look. Suddenly, it clicked.

"Oh! You want to be my Pokémon! I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't know how to do that. I don't even think I have anything for that." I said glumly. Carnivine's expression dropped to match mine. We gave each other sad looks for what seemed like forever until I heard snickering.

Lucario was laughing hysterically which pissed me off. "What are you laughing about!" I demanded. He held up his index finger, calming down. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a spherical object.

I was still confused but Carnivine lit up. What was so special about this red and white ball?

Again, Lucario saw my hesitation. Grabbing my hand, he placed the ball in it. I glanced up at him, my look saying it all.

"Look, just throw this at Carnivine and it will catch him. I'll teach you the rest after you add him to your party." I gave him a disbelieving look.

'I have to hit this poor creature with this hard ball?' I was scared to do it but one look at Carnivine's face and I couldn't deny his request. Clenching it tightly, I threw it right at the Pokémon. To my horror, it sucked the Pokémon up in a flash of red light.

The device wobbled around before becoming still. A click was heard and Lucario smiled. I walked towards the ball and picked it up.

"H-how do I get him out!" I panicked. Lucario snickered before showing me the button I failed to notice. "Press this button and throw the pokeball."
So I guess this device is a poke ball.

Pushing the button, I chucked the poke ball in the air. A bluish white light flashed and formed Carnivine.

He spun around a few times before tackling me. Unlike before, I felt no fear. Wrapping my arms around his thin and lithe body, we embraced.

Glancing over, I saw Lucario walking away. Scrambling up, I stumbled towards him. "W-wait! Lucario!" I yelled. He paused, turning to look over his shoulder. Without any time to stop myself, I collided with the male. As I fell, his arms wrapped around me, holding me in a style similar to a dip.

Our faces were close, almost touching. "P-please don't leave me...I still have a lot to learn. I-I would love if you could help me." I said, blush covering my cheeks and ears. A similar tint was present on Lucario's face. He gave a swift nod after thinking before pulling me up. Carnivine let out a happy cry at our connection.

So we turned back the trail, heading towards my house.


"So will Carnivine get bigger?"

"(Y/N)...y r u like this?"

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