Black Hat -Capable-

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I am in love with Villainous even though it isn't in America and there aren't many English dub or sub videos so have this

Your POV
It had been a month since I appeared in this strange world. It seemed to be completely different to my home. Heroes and villains existed, something I only read about. Sure, we had evil organizations, but not actual fights.

A strange portal opened up above a building. To their luck, it appeared over a building shaped like a top hat.

A blob seemed to be flying out of it, plummeting to the ground. As the form got closer, it became obvious it was a human. This piqued the shadowy figure's curiosity. A tentacle reached out, catching the human. It was revealed to be a female of around 20 years of age. The figure lead the girl inside, still unconscious. This could be of use.

Flashback end

I have been working as the villainous crew's maid for a month now and it wasn't so bad. I had 505 to help me with the work, the sweet blue bear doing most of the work. My main job was dusting off Black Hat's paintings of himself, naturally. Something I discovered was that I could still use my home's method of entertainment.

I now had the power to summon whatever Pokémon I wanted. I kept this under wraps of course, not wanting anyone to find out. I quickly learned that the house's residents were not friendly, minus 505. Dementia seemed to have something against me, seeing me as competition for Black Hat's love. She didn't have to worry, he seemed to hate me as much as anyone else.

Flug could be sweet, but only in the presence of Black Hat, it was mostly fear. The only affection Black Hat showed me was saving me from death when I appeared.

I zoned back to reality by something squeezing me. Turning around, I saw blue. Twisting, I reciprocated 505's hug. We stayed like this for a few seconds before pulling away. He grabbed two feather dusters before handing me one. Nodding, I took it from his hand, err, paw. Wanting to reach the higher portraits, I climbed on top of 505's shoulders.

He stood up to his full height and I swayed slightly. Finally able to reach, I began to dust the rim. I moved towards the actual portrait when movement caught my eye.

I was knocked off of 505 when I dark figure tackled me. Bewildered and slightly out of it, I understood when a caught a flash of neon green. Dementia stood there, hissing at me, her lizard like eyes glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under.

Having enough of her shit, I grabbed her by her ponytail. Beginning to spin, I let go, flinging her out of the window. Sighing, I made a mental note to fix that later.

I decided to clean the lower portraits. Black Hat's still eyes seemed to follow me through the painting, unsettling me. Paying no mind, I began to dust. Of course, I tripped over nothing. As I began to fall, a black tendril appeared, pulling me up. A dark presence was felt and I looked up. Black Hat stood above me in all his regal and evil glory.

Realizing he was still holding me, he dropped me. He opened his mouth, sharp green teeth showing. "(Y/N)! Be more careful! I can't have my...portraits being ruined! And that window! I'll let it slide was Dementia, but be more mindful!" He scolded in his scratchy and deep voice.

He turned away, hastily walking away at a quick pace. To my luck, Dementia seemed to have seen the whole thing, hooray.

Time skip

I was assigned to fix the garden outside in the front yard, or rather, make a garden. Of course, this garden wouldn't be lovely. Instead of lovely red roses, Black Hat gave me black roses that reeked of the deceased and afterlife. I didn't know wheee he got them from, I just knew that I had to plant them. Picking a small space, I began to dig. After measuring the holes I made, I dropped the roses in. Covering them with dirt, I picked up the watering can. Surprisingly, they grew with water and not some weird blood like I thought they would.

Lady Luck was not on my side as Dementia appeared, cackling. She glared at me as per usual, but this time it felt different.

Her slitted eyes stared me down. The next thing I new, she was on top of me. Her speed was unmatched. She sat on my stomach, her hands holding a weapon. Upon closer inspection, it was a mace. Panicking, I struggled to push her off. I managed to shove her off, stumbling to my feet. It was a short lived victory as she cane charging towards me as soon as I stood.

Not wanting to use my powers, I screamed, hoping Black Hat or even Flug would help me. My heart calmed slightly when I saw them standing by the door. It dropped when I realized they were watching and wouldn't help.

Dementia and I began a dangerous dance of her swinging her mace and me dodging. I had a couple of scrapes on me, small parts of the mace catching my skin slightly.

Just like cleaning, I tripped over nothing. Dementia took this opportunity to charge at me, mace raised. I shuffled back, once again returning to my feet.

I decided this was a perfect time to use my power if I wanted to live. My hand began to glow a bright light before a red and white ball appeared in my hand.

Wasting no time, I threw it in the air. A blinding white light flashed before a foreign creature appeared in front of me, standing in a protective stance.

A large black figure with white "hair" and a red scarf floated in the air. His eyes narrowed at the threat. Dementia froze in confusion, staring at this unknown creature. Looking at the house, Flug and Black Hat did the same.

Seizing the moment of shock, I shouted my first command. "Darkrai, use dark pulse on the green haired girl!" He put his claws together as a beam of purple crossed circles launched at Dementia. This seemed to snap her out of whatever state she was in. Narrowly dodging, she jumped back, mace in hand.

She charged at me again, mindful of the creature protecting me. "Shadow Ball!" I yelled. Darkrai sent a ball of shadows at Dementia. Surprisingly, this time it hit her. She was flung backwards, landing on the lawn, skidding slightly. Despite being hit by a powerful attack, she still stood. This attack fueled her anger and she returned tenfold.

Sweating profusely, I ordered Darkrai to capture her. He nodded before trapping her in dark energy. She squirmed around before losing energy to continue.

"Put her to sleep with dark void." I ordered. Dementia fell into a deep sleep, slumping down. Deciding to add insult to injury, I had Darkrai use nightmare. The Pokémon laughed sadistically before complying, sending her into a fit of terrors.

Darkrai turned towards me, floating to stand by my side.

Footsteps were heard as Flug ran to Dementia, dragging her to the lab. Black Hat appeared next to me from a puddle, his gaze leering at me.

I smiled nervously at him. Darkrai, sensing my discomfort, moved in front of me. Pushing him away, I bowed my head. "Black Hat sir, I am so sorry!" I cried out.

Time felt like it stopped as he spoke slowly, edge dripping off his words. "You dare defy me like this! You hide this power from me?!" He screamed. He raised his hand as if to slap me. It moved towards me. I closed my eyes right, bracing for impact. It never came, instead, I felt a gentle caress on my cheek. It was so out of character for him that I was shocked.

He was quiet for a moment before leaning in to my ear. "You are not fit to be a maid. You are more than capable to be my queen." Black Hat's husky voice grumbled.

A blush lit up my cheeks as he pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. He grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it, before gently leading me back into his base, where I would rule as a queen.

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