Lucas -Loss-

690 5 1

Requested by @lpspoochyena12

Note: I had no idea who Lucas was so when I saw this request I was confused. I ended up having to look him up and I still don't have a good grasp on his character. I tried my best with what I could get.

Your POV

Hard drops of water left my eyes as I stood in front of a grave. My eyesight blurred as my vision was overtaken by tears. I sunk to my knees, dropping to the graveyard floor. Looking at the gravestone became too difficult to do anymore. I gave one last look to it before turning away, emotions still swirling.

Here lies Grant
He was a happy Growlithe with big dreams

I sniffled as I exited the graveyard, not paying attention to where I was going. I jolted as I slammed into someone, forced to look up at them. My eyes met with dark ones that widened in concern after seeing my tears. He gently grabbed my arm before I could leave and led me over to a park bench. He pulled me down to sit and turned to me.

"I'm sorry to drag you here but I wanted to make sure you were okay. I noticed that you were crying so a penny for your thoughts?" He asked hesitantly. I faced my bloodshot eyes to his and sniffled again. Wiping at my eyes I replied. "S-sure. I was crying because I just finished visiting my g-Growlithe in the graveyard. I miss him so much!" I sobbed. He looked alarmed but wrapped his arms around my shaking form. I leaned into his warmth and we stayed like that for a while.

Once I had calmed down I pulled away. Smiling woefully at him I spoke. "Thank you for listening to me. This was so kind of you and I don't know how to repay you. Would you like to go out to eat sometime to make up for taking your time?" I asked as I held out my phone for him to enter his number. (SMOOTH AF)
He grinned up at me before taking my phone and entering his number.

Glancing at my watch I gasped at the time. Finishing up with him I apologized and thanked him one last time before departing. Before I left I gathered my courage and planted a quick kiss to his cheek before I dashed away.

'Maybe today wasn't so bad...'

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