Articuno -Finals and Blizzards-

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Note: this is based on my stress of not being able to gain ideas for this story while stressing about finals and another reason I wish pokemon was real

At my school if there is a snow day on finals day, you don't have to make them up or do them at all


Your POV
Today is the day before finals and all I'm doing is stressing. I'm a senior in high school and I can't study. I've passed finals for all the previous years before but this year is different. I haven't had time to study or prepare since my star team member Articuno turned human. Now I've had to save him from himself. He almost electrocuted himself by making toast and sticking the fork into the toaster. Now I have to keep an eye on him at all times and it's so tiring that I don't have time to study.

"Hey babe I got you some coffee to help you stay awake." Articuno says softly, placing a Christmas mug next to me.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea pops into my head. Snow! Articuno is an ice type and I could use that to my advantage.

"Come outside with me real quick babe; I need you to do something for me." I say, pulling him outside and into the road.

"Articuno, as payment for not letting me study for finals, you will stop them. Articuno! Use powder snow!" I scream

"Lol k." He says, raising his hands up, causing heavy snow to rain down on the whole region.

"Now use blizzard and sheer cold!" I command, excited about the finals being canceled.

"Cuno!" He chants, ice, hail, snow, and freezing cold weather appears.

I pull him inside the house and turn on the news.

"Due to the unexpected blizzard, all schools will be canceled. Such a shame." The reporter announces.

"Yes! I love you so much!" I shriek, cuddling my love close to me on the couch, happy about skipping finals.

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