Leon -Cape-

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While I love Leon, he always looks like he's ready to play soccer/football and it cracks me up. Like instead of throwing out a pokeball he throws out a soccer ball!

Your POV
Since I've started dating the champion of Galar Leon, one thing has always caught my attention...his cape. He is always wearing that heavy cape he decorated with pins and patches. He wears it everywhere, in public, around the house, in the backyard, he's never seen without it! Sometimes I swear he's dating that cape instead of me.

Thus goes my mission to eliminate the cape on the way of our love...except...it didn't go as planned.

Attempt 1:
Eyes locked on the target, I began to move in. Creeping behind Leon, my hands hovered over his shoulders, ready to remove the offending fabric. Just as my fingertips touched the surprisingly soft material, Leon turned around and startled me. "Umm (Y/N)...what are you doing?" I panicked, what was I supposed to say? "Hey champion! I was just...dusting off your previous cape! I saw a few hairs on it and a thin layer of dust and thought, 'Why don't I help out my lovely boyfriend!' And here we are!" A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead before I quickly wiped it away. He gave a small smile, placing a light kiss to the top of my head.
Mission failed! We'll get em next time!

Attempt 2:
Shrugging off the failed attempt, I sat on the couch. Cuddling up to Leon, I initiated my plan. "Leon!" I whined, giving my best puppy dog eyes. His head turned towards me, yellow eyes locking with (E/C) ones. "Your cape is itchy, you know I have sensitive skin! Would you maybe remove it?" I stuck out my bottom lip, puffing out my cheeks. Leon gave a low chuckle before pushing his cape to the side. "There, now it isn't in the way! Now c'mere, give the champ some love!" Sighing, I cuddled up to him, thinking of my next plan.
Another fail.

Attempt 3:
Disheartened from the previous fails, I was not at all confident for this plan. I knew Leon took his cape off to sleep, so I just needed to take it while he slept. Lying on the bed, I waited for the bed to dip down from his weight. Evening out my breathing, I felt the weight change. What I didn't factor in was Leon's love of wrapping my in his arms as he slept. His breathing was low and shallow, peaceful with an occasional snore.

Now I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, or rather, Leon. Slightly wiggling, I slipped my way out of his grip. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, making out a shadow. The object appeared to be a large quilt of some sort, it was hard to see. Silently walking up to the fabric, I was overjoyed to feel the patches and badges. Picking it up, I struggled to keep the pins from jingling and waking Leon. Opening the bedroom door quietly, I padded out to the living room. I hadn't thought this far ahead, what was I supposed to do with his cape now?

My Umbreon sensed my distress and bounded towards me. "Shh! I'm trying to hide Leon's cape but I can't see anything. I don't even know where to put it! Help me Bree!" My whisper turned into a low whisper-yell. My pokemon shook its head before the rings all over its body glowed brightly, especially the one on its forehead. With a low light, I was able to see. My eyes scanned the whole room, nothing seemed good.

A yawn escaped me as my eyelids drooped. Umbreon gently bit my hand, pulling me towards the couch. I complied with my Pokémon's wishes and sat down, maybe some pondering would help. Before I knew it, my body had shut down and I flopped onto the cushions, snoring. Umbreon gripped the cape and tugged it over my sleeping form before curling up at my feet.


The sound of Leon's laughter woke me up. Confused, I rubbed at my eyes, ridding them from the sleep. "So, my cape huh?" I gave him a dazed look. In return, he gestured towards me. Looking down, I saw myself wrapped in the same fabric I was trying to get rid of. A blush appeared on my cheeks as I tried to explain myself. "Leon, it's not what it looks like! I wanted to move your cape...you were spending too much time with it. I guess I was jealous." This caused his laughter to increase, him having to double over holding his stomach.

"You could have asked me to take it off." Leon chuckled, his lips meeting mine in a quick kiss.

Mission success?

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