Content Poll

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I've come to a sort of block for my writing. I don't really know what I want to write about and I'm willing to do whatever. The stories that I have done, I need to know who likes what.
I'm asking if you would give me suggestions in the comments for what content you would prefer to see.

This isn't a definite thing where I write all of your stories. Also, I usually have writing spurts where I don't write for a long time and randomly write 4 chapters. Please note that I tend to keep many in drafts so I can easily post one if I don't feel like writing. This means that I might've written your story, it's just being held for a while.

Based on what I've written, the options are, but not limited to:

Important Note: It would be preferable if you would give me suggestions on what character/pokemon you would like, more inclined to write about a less popular choice

I am trying to get away from writing about random characters from different fandoms so I would appreciate if those weren't requested.

-Pokehuman x reader (tell me if random Pokémon or what Pokémon you want)

-Pokemon Form Pokémon x reader (not gajinka; same rules as above)

-Human from Pokémon x reader (example would be Calem or Silver, a human trainer/other; lmk if I get to pick or you pick)

I realize that I don't have many human characters, so I want to try to get more of those. The thing is, I don't completely know a lot of human characters, so it would be extremely helpful if you could also reply to your message with a few comments about the character's personality so I can get a feel for them and do my own research

I also enjoy writing about Pokémon form Pokémon, I find it cute!

Thank you so much for the help!

Pokemon x reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt