Blaziken -New Friends-

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I got inspiration from my grovyle oneshot.

Professor Oak told me not to go in the grass but I didn't care. As I walked into the grass I looked him dead in the eyes while holding my boyfriend's hand. I didn't have a team of Pokémon but I had my boyfriend Blaziken and some empty pokeballs so I should be fine. I met Blaziken while at the Pokémon center. I was staying the night in from the rain and we ended up having to room together. We bonded and got to know each other better. We exchanged numbers and became friends and it just progressed from there.

We waded through the tall grass. Halfway through the path I was tackled to the ground. Blazi gave a cry of alarm and shot out to help me.

"(Y/N)!" He cried.

"I'm fine!" I replied, sitting up to find a Pokémon on my stomach. I looked closer to see that it was a Stufful. He seemed to be burrowing into my jacket. Picking him up, I cuddled him to my chest.

"Stufful!" He cried out happily.

"Hey Stufful, would you like to join me on my journey to make friends and form bonds?" I asked as I stroked his head. He made the cutest thinking face before nodding. I reached into my bag and pulled out a pokeball. He looked at it before tapping his head to it and getting sucked in. The ball shook in my hand a few times before making a popping noise indicating I had caught Stufful. Happy with my new friend, I released him and set him on my shoulder.

"Here, I will let you walk with me on my shoulder." I explained. He cooed happily before settling around my neck.

I continued my walk in the grass with Blazi close next to me. I was stopped in my tracks again when a Skarmory decided to confront me. It began squawking at me angrily. I put my hands up in defense as it began to advance at me.

Blazi took this as a sign of danger and stood in front of me. The Skarmory still came towards me so Blaziken used Flamethrower. It was a direct hit and the Pokémon backed up. It got angry and used silver wing, hitting my lover and pushing him back. I decided to step in.

"Oi! What do you want? I just wanted to walk around and make new friends here!" I yelled. The Skarmory tilted its head before looking at me. Its eyes raked over my figure and stopped at the small bear-like Pokémon around my neck.

The Skarmory looked up at me before nodding his head. Cautiously I pulled out a pokeball and held it out. I felt a slight tap and felt tbe familiar rocking of a pokeball capturing a pokeball. It shook 3 times before clicking into place, I had caught a new friend!

I cried out in happiness and looked towards my boyfriend. He smiled at me before pulling me into a hug. "I love you (Y/N)." He muttered, face buried in my hair. We held this position for a while until Stufful got angry and playfully batted Blaziken's head away from mine, signaling to continue on our way.

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