Misty -Facing Fears-

978 7 0

This is a friendship one

Your POV

My friend Misty is coming over today and what I haven't told her is that my whole team is made up of bug types and my house is a bug type sanctuary.

My team is Masquerain, Beautifly, Kricketune, Scizor, Araquanid, and Beedrill.

I have already told my Pokémon about Misty's fear and they agreed to be as nice as possible.

I turn towards my front door as I hear a knock. I walk over and open it, embracing Misty in a hug.

Misty and I have been friends ever since I went fishing and needed help reeling in my catch.

"Misty! It's so nice to see you! I'm so happy you could join me! If you could follow me into my backyard that would be great!" I cheer

She nods and follows me.

"Let's introduce our teams to each other." I suggest.

She nods and releases her Staryu, Psyduck, Corsola, and Gyarados.

I release my team and she jumps and cowers behind her Gyarados.

"Y/N! What do you think you are playing at?!" She screams.

Putting my hands out, I attempt to calm her.

"Misty it isn't that bad. They are very lovable and kind, see?" I say calmly.

My team nods and embraces me into a gentle hug.

Beautifly lands on top of my head and softly flutters her pretty wings.

I see her shoulders tense before slightly relaxing.

Suddenly a thought reaches my mind.

"Would a battle help you see how bug types aren't that bad?" I ask.

She just shivers and agrees.

"If it means I get to battle you, then sure." She calls.

I walk over to an empty space and ready myself.

"We each get 3 pokemon!" I announce.

She selects Psyduck, Staryu, and Corsola.

She sends out Staryu so I send out Beautifly.

"Beautifly! Let's do this!" I cry.

"Staryu use bubble beam!" She screams. It nods and sends out a stream of bubbles at my butterfly Pokémon.

"Dodge and use energy ball!" I cry. Beautifly isn't fast enough to dodge but endures it and sends out a ball of energy, hitting Staryu hard because it is a grass type move.

"Quickly use solar beam and finish it!" I scream.

Beautifly charges up but while doing that, gets hit with hydro pump. It just manages to knock out and faint Staryu with solar beam before fainting itself.

Smiling, I return Beautifly and look up to see Misty doing the same.

"Good job Misty, but are you ready for my next Pokémon?" I taunt.

She just smiles and sends out Psyduck.

I send Masquerain up.

"Use stun spore!" I command.

Masquerain then releases spores from its wings and it lands on Psyduck, making it freeze.

"Charge up and use solar beam!" I scream.

Psyduck breaks free and waits for Misty.

"Psyduck use Surf!" She directs.

"Fly up and dodge it and then release solar beam!" I scream.

Psyduck releases a massive wave of water but Masquerain dodges and hits Psyduck with a massive beam of light.

Psyduck falls around until fainting.

Misty's last pokemon is Corsola.

"Corsola use ancient power!" Misty cries out.

Masquerain is hit with rocks and faints.

I put it back in its pokeball.

"It's all up to you Kricketune!" I say as I send out my Pokémon.

"Watch our for ancient power and use double team!" I scream.

Kricketune nods and multiple Kricketune appear.

"Now use brick break!"

All the Kricketunes launch at Corsola and hit it, making it start to sway.

"Stay in there and use bubble beam!" Misty says frantically.

"Dodge and use brick break to finish it off!" I command.

Kricketune launches at Corsola along with its copies and Corsola faints.

Kricketune snickers and then walks back to me, turning to face Misty with a little smirk on its face.

Misty just returns Corsola and looks up at us.

"Well your bugs are powerful, but they are still disgusting." She admits with a sigh.

I just sneer at her and flick me wrist.

Kricketune angrily launches at Misty and tackles her into a hug, rubbing its face on hers.

I laugh and then call it back.

"Never insult my Pokémon again. It doesn't matter if you are my friend, I will kick you out." I warn.

I then tackle her into a hug.

In the end, she didn't face her fear and we spent the rest of the day playing with our Pokémon.

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