Staraptor -Yes-

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Your POV

My boyfriend and I came up with a bet, I would have to answer anything and only say yes to whatever I was asked or told.

I am stubborn and wanted to prove to him I could do it so I of course said yes, big mistake.
Here's what happened

We were walking around town when a guy came up to us and asked for a picture so I answered yes. He took the picture and left.

Then we went to the flower shop and the lady working there asked what kind of flower I wanted. Because of the bet I said yes. She looked really confused while my very helpful boyfriend was behind me smirking, what a jerk! I pointed to some daisies and said yes again.

I got another look but she gave me the flowers and I gave her some of my Pokedollars. We left the shop and Star suggested we go to the park.

There were little kids everywhere and I wanted to go on the swings so I tugged at Star's arm and pointed to the swing set. He understood and we went over.

There was a child already on the swings and I wanted to go on so I just stared at him, hoping it would make him get off.

The kid said "you want a turn?" And I nodded.

He laughed and kept sitting there. I was furious at this point. I stomped over to him and grabbed him under the arms. He started squirming and yelling at me. Luckily there were no parents around so I turned him around and punted him across the playground near the sandbox.

I quickly sat in the seat and smirked triumphantly. I looked over at my boyfriend and saw him in shock at what I did. I gave him an innocent smile and started swinging.

After swinging for a while I decided to go to my friend Green's house.

Telling Star to shift, we flew to his house and arrived in no time.

Kicking open his door, I found him laying on his couch surrounded with peanuts. Not questioning it, I tackled him and we rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Startled, Green looked at me and said "What the hell was that for y/n?!"

Grinning, I was about to answer when Star gave me a look and I quickly said yes.

Green was confused at this point and just told me he was taking us to the park where I had punted the child away from the swings, unbeknownst to him.

When we got there, the same child saw me and dragged us to a battling arena, demanding I fight him.

Shrugging, I threw my pokeball, releasing Gardevoir. I didn't know how many pokemon this small child had and I couldn't command my pokemon saying only yes so I threw out my Gardevoir who understood my looks and could hear my thoughts.

This angry kid sent out a Pachirisu, signaling he was ready to battle.

He attacked first, commanding his Pachirisu to use spark. Gardevoir got hit but quickly got up.
Gardevoir read my mind and used moonblast, hitting the small pokemon and knocking it out.

Thinking the battle was over, I was about to withdraw Gardevoir when angry child kid over there threw out his next pokemon, a Beedrill.

Beedrill attacked and used pin missile, missing, and giving Gardevoir a chance to use double team and then use psychic, causing the Beedrill to fall out of the sky and hit the ground hard, knocking it out.

The little child then told me this was his last pokemon and threw out an Umbreon.

Gardevoir took the first move and used moonblast, knocking the Umbreon back but not out.

Umbreon then used pursuit, knocking my Gardevoir out.

I panicked, I didn't have any other pokemon that could read my body language or read my mind. I was doomed.

Searching through my pokemon, I found Yveltal.

Throwing him out there, the small child was in shock as was everyone else watching the battle, even Green and Star.

Looking at Yveltal, I gave him a look of hopelessness and silently begged him to understand me.

Nodding his head, Yveltal turned around and screeched at the opposing Umbreon.

I yelled "Yes!" At Yveltal and he screeched. I hoped he chose a good attack. My prayers were answered and he used foul play hitting the Umbreon hard. The little boy started screaming at his pokemon to get up, and it did to all of our surprise.

Umbreon shouted at us and released feint attack, hitting my poor, helpless, defenseless Yveltal.

Screeching in anger, Yveltal looked at me and I nodded at him.

Yveltal released a full power oblivion wing, knocking the Umbreon out and winning the battle for us!

Cheering, I ran up to Yveltal and hugged him, petting his head and nuzzling it.

He released a coo and nuzzled back, then returning to his ball.

I walked up to the child and went to shake his hand, when he slapped it away and claimed I cheated for using a legendary.

I glared at him and walked back to Green and Star, laughing at their faces, still shocked at the revealing of my Yveltal. They asked to see my entire team so I called out all my friends, well except Gardevoir. Until Green healed her.

Out came Gardevoir and Glaceon.
They looked confused as did the onlookers, questioning where my others went.

Silently asking Star to talk, he nodded.

"All the rest are a bit shocking!" I yelled. The crowd and Green and Star nodding in understanding.

Then out came Yveltal, Darkrai, Suicune, and lastly, as if all my legendaries weren't enough, Arceus popped out and joined my circle of pokemon surrounding me.

Gasps came from everyone, not expecting me to have all those legendaries, let alone Arceus.

Green and Star looked at me shocked, terrified, and amazed.

"There you have it folks, all my pokemon or friends as I like to say!" I belted out.

"Friends!" I cried out, the pokemon surrounding me looked at me.

I held up a finger signaling to wait.

"Arceus dear, lay down so I can ride you."

Everyone started yelling at me, saying how I shouldn't disrespect our god and how he would never listen to me. Others were yelling about how I captured them all against their will.

A little hurt but still going, I shrugged off their words and looked at Arceus expectantly.

Nodding his head, the god of pokemon laid down and let me climb onto him, then standing up again.

Still a little upset about what the people had said, my pokemon could sense it and started shouting at the crowd, proving them wrong.

"See, they are my friends!" I yelled, surrounded by Pokémon who loved me and cared about me.

Dismounting Arceus, my pokemon took that as a sign to all cuddle me, trapping me in love.

A man, woman, and Meowth tried to capture my legendaries for their own bidding.

Growling, I commanded,

"Gardevoir go and use Moonblast, Glaceon use blizzard, Yveltal use oblivion wing, Darkrai use dark pulse, Suicune use hydro pump, and Arceus use Judgement on the count of three! One, two, three! Attack Team Rocket!"

They all released their attack and sent Team Rocket flying off into the distance crying about blasting off again or something.

Laughing and smiling, I kissed each one of my pokemon before returning them. Not bothering about the rude crowd.

Turning around, I dragged Green and Star back to Green's house before dropping Green once more into his couch of peanuts and dragging Star home to the backyard, releasing my pokemon and cuddling with my boyfriend and favorite friends.

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