N -Treats-

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Your POV

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend N for 3 years and I want to do something special with him.

I hear him open the door and announce his arrival.

"Y/N! Honey! I'm here!" He calls out.

I grab his hand and drag him into the kitchen where I have baking supplies out.

"N! We are going to bake pokepuffs for our Pokémon. I am going to also have my Pokémon help me." I cheer.

Grabbing the first pokeball off my belt, I release my Gardevoir.

I then call out my Lopunny.

My Ledian comes out next.

My last pokemon appears, showing a Vespiquen.

"We are going to be baking pokepuffs." I tell my Pokémon, them nodding.

"N could you preheat the oven for me?" I ask

He walks over to the oven and starts to heat it.

"Gardevoir and Lopunny please start to measure out the ingredients. I left the measurements on the table." I tell them.

The two of them head off to the smaller island and begin to pour the correct amount of each item into the mixing bowl.

"Ledian please help me crush up some of the berries." I motion towards the collection of Oran, Pecha, Chesto, and Cheri berries.

Ledian nods and we go over to the berries. I grab a blender and we set the Oran berries in.

I put the lid on and turn the blender on, turning it off when the berries are all mixed up into juice.

Ledian pours the juice into a bowl and we repeat the process with the rest of the berries.

Once done, we put away the blender.

"Vespiquen, can you be a dear and go into the garden and collect some Razz berries?" I ask.

Vespiquen buzzes happily, hugs me, and flies out of the door and into the garden.

Separating the ingredients into different bowls, I pour one berry mixture into each bowl.

Grabbing four wooden mixing spoons, I call Lopunny, Gardevoir, and Ledian over.

"Could each of you grab a spoon and mix a bowl together until the mixture is nice and creamy?" I ask.

They all nod and grab a spoon.

Gardevoir holds her bowl with psychic while mixing, Lopunny is holding it, and Ledian is holding hers.

I grab the bowl with the Oran berry juice and start mixing.

Once I see the mixture get creamy, I stop and ask my Pokémon how their bowls are doing.

They all smile and nod, showing me their bowls.

"N!" I call out.

"Yes Y/N?" He replies.

"Could you get two large baking trays?" I ask.

He doesn't reply but instead walks over to the cupboard and pulls out two large metal baking trays.

I take them and set them on the counter.

Grabbing the first bowl, I spoon a spoonful of the mixture on the tray until it covers half and the mixture is gone. I then do the same with the next bowl until the other side is covered.

I then repeat the process with both bowls on the second tray.

"Gardevoir please use psychic and put both of these trays in the oven." I say.

Gardevoir nods its head and follows my command.

Once the trays are in, I start the oven.

At this moment, I hear Vespiquen come back in with an armful of Razz berries.

I have it set them down in a basket and explain what I needed them for.

"These are going to be the toppings for the pokepuffs." I explain.

"Gardevoir and Lopunny please chop these up into thin slices." I say.

The grab a knife and begin to cut the berries.

Walking over, I bring out many tubes of icing.

"These are for decorating the pokepuffs." I tell my Pokémon, them nodding in understanding.

"N please help Gardevoir and Lopunny." I say as he follows and goes to monitor them.

Once the berries are cut up, I tell them we can have a break.


I hear the oven beep. I pull on oven mitts and take the two trays out. Setting them on the table, I let them cool off. After about 20 minutes, I gather my boyfriend and Pokémon around and give them the icing funnels.

"Decorate the pokepuffs however you like. When you finish icing them, please Razz berries on the top." I direct.

After 30 minutes of intense decorating, our pokepuffs were complete.

"All of you did an amazing job. You may each eat three pokepuffs." I say smiling.

They cheer in happiness and grab the three they want to eat.

I grab a blanket and lay it outside on the grass.

Leading my Pokémon out, I tell them we are having a small picnic.

After finishing my Oran and Pecha pokepuffs, I look up at my loving N and see he has icing on his lips.

Chuckling, I lean up and kiss him softly, tasting the icing.

My Pokémon look at us lovingly.

These treats have made the bond between human, pokemon, and lovers stronger.

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